Sagittarius Months

Sagittarius Month: Name Dates Personality Birthday

Sagittarius zodiac sign is the ninth sign of zodiac. People belonging to Sagittarius zodiac sign are the most outgoing and welcoming people.

Symbol of Sagittarius is The Archer.
Sanskrit Name of Sagittarius is Dhanu.
Ruling Planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter.
Birthstone of Sagittarius is Amethyst and Topaz.
Lucky color of Sagittarius is Violet, Red, Purple and Pink.
Element of Sagittarius is Fire.

Sagittarius Months Dates Range

Sagittarius months dates ranges in 2 different months November and December and more precisely Sagittarius months dates are 22 November - 21 December. So anybody who is born between this date range or birthday comes between this date range their zodiac sign is Sagittarius

Sagittarius November month date range: from 22 November to 31 November.
Sagittarius December month date range: from 1 December - 21 December.

Zodiac Sagittarius Month Personality & Characteristics Traits

One of the optimistic people in the world is the Sagittarius people. Sagittarius people are very pleasant and up for anything in life. They value every moment in life and take challenges as opportunities. This great and happy outlook towards life makes them liked by all and thus they also have lots of friends. They like their own independent space and don’t like it being tampered by anyone. They respect other people’s space and also want others to do so. Their nature is such that they engage in every little possibility that will give them an adrenaline rush. They are likely to achieve things in life and therefore one will always see them engaged in activities such as sports, travel, hiking, meeting new people, marathon, etc.. Travelling is especially one of their favourite hobbies and meeting new people and seeing new cultures, experiencing rich flavours from those cultures and getting absorbed in such cultures are few things which you will see them doing quite often.

Their positive attitude makes them a great soul up lifter especially for those who are low for some reason. Even when Sagittarians are faced with much difficulty they always find a way to look at it from a different point of view and bring out the good in them too. They seldom get low and give way to negative feelings to creep in their self. Since they are very adventurous people it is obvious that they loathe routine work for they give no excitement to them. Sagittarians like to seek for power and social status. However, like no man is perfect as said by many, they can also sometimes be irresponsible. As much as the positive and independent they are they can at times let loose and forget his or her duties and responsibilities. At such rare occasions they might lose it and become very aggressive and might project extreme behaviour.

Good thing is that they are very idealistic and romantic. Whether it is keeping the flames going in marriage they are very creative in doing so and other wise also at work or else where they are seen as quite talented beings. They have firm hand when it comes to art and crafts and they are also excellent in areas of communication and thus will do well in marketing, journalists, sales or education. Their passion in life makes them one of a kind. They are too optimistic and sometimes this can lead to blind optimism and they might not take things seriously when they are supposed to and thus might be harmful. They go with the flow and thus, will not pay attention to little details and tend to believe and trust even strangers sometimes. They think from their heart or rather they rarely think and work in impulse. This is fun sometimes but sometimes it can lead to something that can be problematic.


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