Pisces Months

Pisces Month: Name Dates Personality Birthday

Pisces zodiac sign is the twelfth sign of zodiac. People belonging to Pisces zodiac sign are lovely people with a great sense of commitment and love.

Symbol of Pisces is Two Fish Swimming in Opposite Direction.
Sanskrit Name of Pisces is Meena.
Ruling Planet of Pisces is Jupiter and Neptune.
Birthstone of Pisces is Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Emerald, Pearls.
Lucky color of Pisces is Sea Green, Violet, Mauve, Purple, Lilac.
Element of Pisces is Water.

Pisces Months Dates Range

Pisces months dates ranges in 2 different months February and March and more precisely Pisces months dates are 19 February - 20 March. So anybody who is born between this date range or birthday comes between this date range their zodiac sign is Pisces

Pisces February month date range: from 19 February to 31 February.
Pisces March month date range: from 1 March - 20 March.

Zodiac Pisces Month Personality & Characteristics Traits

People who have Pisces zodiac sign are considered to be very sensitive, caring and creative. These three traits form an integral part of their personality and are also very empathetic. They can be a great source of comfort to others as they have a knack to understand people’s problems and can easily relate with their difficulties and pain. They provide a healing touch to all those who are in pain, thus individuals who know them always turn to them for advice during difficult times. They are soft hearted, understanding and even romantic. They are also very imaginative and far sighted. Their actions are full of creativity and they always think of the unthinkable or unusual. They always look for a sense of purpose and meaning in life. They want to be of help to others and make a difference. They want to make full use of their potential and creativity and do not want to let it go as a waste. For them love, feelings, emotions are more precious than money and wealth. They do not hesitate to exhibit their emotions and are always approachable. People can easily connect to them, whether they are rich or poor, young or old. They are very appreciative of the beauty around them or what they get in life. They are happy with what they have and never complain about what they don’t have.

They have a very giving nature and they always think about the good of others. They are born with strong psychic abilities and are amazingly compassionate and full of love. They will never run out of their love and compassion for others. But this also makes them an easy prey. People tend to take advantage of this goodness of theirs and misuse it for their selfish gains. They also have a very good sense of humor and people love to be in their company. They make everyone feel comfortable and ease out all the tensions. They are imaginative, creative and sometimes tend to drift away in a romantic world of imagination. They can be very passionate lovers. They are very sweet and soft hearted. When they fall in love, it’s for real. Their care and concern is genuine. They never show off their feeling and emotions. With immense talent they can be a successful musician, artist, writer or a poet. They are the perfect friend one can have, always ready to listen and share.

Overflow of emotions in these individuals can sometimes make them vulnerable to hurt and pain. They take everything seriously and to their heart. They are highly sensitive and it takes no time for them to get hurt when they don’t get all the love and attention they shower on others. They get so entangled in the problems of others that they totally neglect their own. They are also very imaginative and impractical and tend to live in a fantasy world and when they get the shock of reality it becomes difficult for them to adjust. At times they suffer from unnecessary anxieties and tend to get easily discouraged.


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