Cancer Months

Cancer Month: Name Dates Personality Birthday

Cancer zodiac sign is the forth sign of zodiac. People belonging to Cancer zodiac sign tend to take care of their loved ones and would like to be with people they feel comfortable.

Symbol of Cancer is The Crab.
Sanskrit Name of Cancer is Karka.
Ruling Planet of Cancer is Moon.
Birthstone of Cancer is Moonstone, Pearl.
Lucky color of Cancer is Orange and White.
Element of Cancer is Water.

Cancer Months Dates Range

Cancer months dates ranges in 2 different months June and July and more precisely Cancer months dates are 21 June - 22 July. So anybody who is born between this date range or birthday comes between this date range their zodiac sign is Cancer

Cancer June month date range: from 21 June to 31 June.
Cancer July month date range: from 1 July - 22 July.

Zodiac Cancer Month Personality & Characteristics Traits

Cancers are one of those few zodiac signs who tend to have good rapport with all the other 11 signs. They are good friends, good listeners and good help any time of the season. Cancer is a person who gives a lot of thought to the emotions and sometimes they tend to become over emotional. Not just that they also tend to help others open up their inner feelings, even of those who are reluctant and hesitant about their feelings, Cancer people have a knack for deciphering their feelings. It’s like a gift.

Talk about feelings and we are not far away from home and family. They like to be around their loved ones. Family values, friendships and personal relationship means a lot to them than their career or money. More than financial security they long for emotional security and to build a strong unbreakable relationship. This states the obvious that they are not fond of changes, risks or adventures. They are happy with the boring, peaceful and quiet life and if given a chance they would not change a single thing. Given the intense emotion that is brewing up in them cancers can sometimes also become moody and unpredictable. Nevertheless more said than done, they always have high value for friends and family and relationships.

Like all the other signs, Cancers are also affected both in a good and bad way. Well, like mentioned earlier, the most important positive quality in them is that they are stable and they take care of their loved ones for they value relationships. When they care about people they care genuinely, they are above superficiality. With this, they also have a sweet sense of humour which helps lighten up the mood whenever things are low. They are also very protective about their dear and near ones and would not want any outer person bringing in causes of problems in the inner circle of friends and family. The good heart they have also makes a bit of a philanthropist. They like to lend a helping hand in the charity for the poor and the needy ones. If married, cancers can make a great home. They will enjoy being a wife or husband and to have kids.

Being too sensitive is probably their worse quality for this makes them moody and unpredictable. Sometimes if in a relationship they can be a bit odd for they might feel insecure of their partner are outgoing and social animal unlike them. This can make them hard to trust on their partners or their children. Ones who are close to Cancers need to be very careful, they become too sensitive and if they are hurt for whatever reasons, they will probably never forget it and might also be very difficult to forgive. They are 100 % out there for others and thus might expect the same from their close ones and if felt they are taken for granted then they might leave hints for others to make them understand him. This might make them a bit manipulative.


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