Aries Months

Aries Month: Name Dates Personality Birthday

Aries zodiac sign is the first sign of zodiac. They are just like warriors and eager to prove themselves with their fiery personality.

Symbol of Aries is The Ram.
Sanskrit Name of Aries is Mesha.
Ruling Planet of Aries is Mars.
birthstone of Aries is Ruby and Diamond.
lucky color of Aries is Red and Scarlet.
Element of Aries is Fire.

Aries Months Dates Range

Aries months dates ranges in 2 different months March and April and more precisely Aries months dates are 21 March - 19 April. So anybody who is born between this date range or birthday comes between this date range their zodiac sign is Aries

Aries March month date range: from 21 March to 31 March.
Aries April month date range: from 1 April - 19 April.

Zodiac Aries Month Personality & Characteristics Traits

No matter how modern the world has become and no matter how much we deny the fate and instead believe in science and practicalities in life somewhere we still wish secretly to know about our future and the ways to make it better than the present. That's when the horoscope comes in the picture. And now people openly talk about it, even the cynical ones. More so, it has different branches within this already complicated area of horoscope. People are now trying to find out how does a astrology has effect on their fate and how can they make the changes if in case it is going to affect us negatively. So, hence it is the zodiac sign.

The professionals have said that it is very important to understand the cause and effect of such zodiac signs. The first of the 12 sun signs - Aries and the other eleven are also affected in the similar manner however the cause, effect and after effects vary.

The wise psychics say people who are Aries are different than other signs but they are even more peculiar. The defining sentence can be 'spontaneous, instinctive and speed'. As I mentioned earlier that we are practical people but for an Arian, they tend to be very dreamy and emotional for every matter they use their heart and not their brains. This could work for better or for worse for Aries as they tend to do things most passionately and just based on this passion they can achieve great heights in both professional and personal arenas. However, since it also makes them work in impulse and thus, they jump into action that fancies their mind without thinking about the consequences and sometimes such acts might not work as planned. Hence, it advised that Arian need to be a little more cautious.

However, that needs to be noticed is that many things bad or good at the doorstep for an Arian. It could be an opportunity or an emotional trap. Hence, most of the time, Arian cannot do much about it. As said earlier that they think from their hearts and therefore they are very honest and far away from deception and manipulation. Other qualities, a Arian have are optimism and happy. They believe in enjoying the present rather than worrying about the future, they take life as it comes and likes to spread joy and smile all around. They often seem to leave a lasting positive effect whoever they meet. However, Aries zodiac sign also make them authoritative and thus, they have no time for weaker ones and tend to shun them if they cannot live up to their expectation. As they think from their heart they take everything personally and if gotten a chance to take revenge they might as well grab that for they take decisions on impulse. They can also be overconfident and aggressive during in many phases in their lives.


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