Aquarius Months

Aquarius Month: Name Dates Personality Birthday

Aquarius zodiac sign is the eleventh sign of zodiac. People belonging to Aquarius zodiac sign are deeply reflective and knowledgeable and can be somewhat stubborn.

Symbol of Aquarius is Water Bearer.
Sanskrit Name of Aquarius is Kumbha.
Ruling Planet of Aquarius is Saturn and Uranus.
Birthstone of Aquarius is Opal and Aquamarine.
Lucky color of Aquarius is Blue, Blue-Green, Grey, Black.
Element of Aquarius is Air.

Aquarius Months Dates Range

Aquarius months dates ranges in 2 different months January and February and more precisely Aquarius months dates are 20 January - 18 February. So anybody who is born between this date range or birthday comes between this date range their zodiac sign is Aquarius

Aquarius January month date range: from 20 January to 31 January.
Aquarius February month date range: from 1 February - 18 February.

Zodiac Aquarius Month Personality & Characteristics Traits

One of the strongest traits of individuals of Aquarius zodiac sign is their keen observation skills. They are very fond of observing why people behave in the way they do and are very interested in studying human nature. They tend to be very shy and try to keep themselves detached from the surroundings. From the outside they are very friendly and affable people who can easily make friends and gets along well with people but deep on the inside they long for solitude and wants to spend time alone. Sometimes their ego will overpower their personality and they will just keep to themselves. They will refuse to mingle with people and will spend time on their own. People of this category like to be different from others. They don’t want to be the mainstream people and follow the herd. This might make them a bit arrogant or proud, but this is the way they are. They are very good at understanding the feelings of others and find it easy to connect. At times they get too deep into this that they forget about their own feelings and emotions. They are different with their own set of eccentricities and that is what makes then unique. People accept them as they are.

Some of the positive qualities of the individuals Aquarius sign are that they have a very magnetic and dynamic personality. They are idealistic and progressive. They know what to do and how to do it. They are practical and do not spend time on useless fantasies. They are usually above the normal follies of possessiveness, jealous etc. They have no time for it. They are busy pursuing more important areas in life than wasting it on such unimportant areas. Even though they are friendly and approachable they usually like to keep to themselves which makes them distant and aloof. They are also very kind and passionate and will never say no to someone in need. They will go beyond their capacity to help the poor and the needy. They are optimist, friendly and positive because of which they are befriended by a lot of people. They are also very intelligent which makes them intense and intuitive and give a lot of importance to freedom. They do not like people messing up or intruding in their personal space and will never compromise with their freedom under any circumstances. They are very loyal and trustworthy and will never betray or harm anyone.

Sometimes these people withdraw into themselves so much that people start considering them to be arrogant. They like spending time with themselves and remain aloof and disconnected. They create an invisible barrier between themselves and others and people at times find it difficult to connect to them. At times they become too stubborn to get their way and start throwing temper tantrums. It is difficult to easily predict their nature because of which there is an air of uncertainty about their personality. They are not very fond of criticism and do not take it kindly. At times they hold back their emotions and do not easily open up.


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