Zodiac Signs Months

Zodiac Signs Months Days Birth Dates Meaning Order by Month

According to date of birth a person will have their own Zodiac sign. Each Zodiac signs has their own traits and characteristics. So on the basis of astrology it would not be wrong to say that the time you were born in determines the kind of person you are. And surprisingly people do believe in it.

Men by its very nature are curious. They have a tendency to explore the unknown and venture into the unexplored. The idea of knowing their future before hand is very tempting. Though questions have been raised about its rationality and validity, the practice of astrology and zodiac sign reading has been going on for ages and still continues, with the same popularity. In today's age it has been easier for people to indulge in zodiac sign astrology. With increasing accessibility of computer, mobile phones and internet, getting information about the zodiac signs is just a click or a button away. Telecom companies even allow their subscribers to subscribe for daily horoscope updates. Thus with the passage of time the ancient art of zodiac sign reading is becoming increasingly popular and integrated with technology and modernity.

Here is the list of zodiac signs by month in order born under these days/dates:

Zodiac Signs in Month January: Capricorn and Aquarius
Zodiac Signs in Month February: Aquarius and Pisces
Zodiac Signs in Month March: Pisces and Aries
Zodiac Signs in Month April: Aries and Taurus
Zodiac Signs in Month May: Taurus and Gemini
Zodiac Signs in Month June: Gemini and Cancer
Zodiac Signs in Month July: Cancer and Leo
Zodiac Signs in Month August: Leo and Virgo
Zodiac Signs in Month September: Virgo and Libra
Zodiac Signs in Month October: Libra and Scorpio
Zodiac Signs in Month November: Scorpio and Sagittarius
Zodiac Signs in Month December: Sagittarius and Capricorn

Zodiac Signs According to Month

You can check here, your zodiac sign according to your birth month by looking the table for zodiac months & dates list. This list cover all the 12 zodiac sign by months and dates and each zodiac sign is coming in each month of the year.

Zodiac Months
Zodiac Signs
Zodiac Dates

1 January - 19 January

20 January - 31 January

1 February - 18 February

19 February - 29 February

1 March - 20 March

21 March - 31 March

1 April - 19 April

20 April - 30 April

1 May - 20 May

21 May - 31 May

1 June - 20 June

21 June - 30 June

1 July - 22 July

23 July - 31 July

1 August - 22 August

23 August - 31 August

1 September - 22 September

23 September - 30 September

1 October - 22 October

23 October - 31 October

1 November - 21 November

22 November - 30 November

1 December - 21 December

22 December - 31 December

Which zodiac sign comes in which month?

Which zodiac sign goes with which month? Which month is which zodiac signs? What is my zodiac sign? You must be curious due to these questions, all the queries are answered here related to your zodiac sign dates.

Each Zodiac sign is determined by the position of the Sun at the time of birth in astrology. There are twelve different zodiac signs, each different from one another. An individual's zodiac sign is determined by his/her date of birth. It is a widely held belief that zodiac signs exert strong influence upon an individual's personality, character, professional and personal life.

Zodiac Signs
Zodiac Months and Dates
March 21 - April 20
April 21 - May 21
May 22 - June 21
June 22 - July 22
July 23 - August 21
August 22 - September 23
September 24 - October 23
October 24 - November 22
November 23 - December 22
December 23 - January 20
January 21 - February 19
February 20 - March 20


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