Perfectly follow the following steps in order to complete the Shavasana or Corpse Pose -
On the floor, lie down on the back.
Do let the feet just fall out to either side.
Then slow and steadily bring the arms alongside the body.
Do turn the palms to face directly upwards.
Then relax the whole body.
Do let the breath naturally occur.
With deep breath move the toes and fingers, awakening the whole body.
Then bring the knees into the chest plus roll over to one side.
Do keep the eyes tightly closed.
Slow and steadily do bring yourself back up into a sitting posture.
The anatomical focus of Shavasana or Corpse Pose gives emphases for the whole body particularly back, legs, hands and head.
The therapeutic applications of Shavasana or Corpse Pose are related to all stress related diseases, High blood pressure, Fatigue, Heart complaints, Anxiety and Insomnia.
There are many benefits of Shavasana or Corpse Pose. Few of them are as follows -
It really calms the brain.
It helps relieve mild depression and stress.
It completely relaxes the whole body.
It largely assists to reduce fatigue, headache and insomnia.
It helps to lower blood pressure.
It relaxes central nervous system.
It perfectly decreases beta brain waves plus rightly shifts to slower brain waves.
It reduces insomnia.
It helps improve your good sleep.
It rejuvenates mind, body and spirit.
It gives chance for the whole body to reset and regroup with a lot of perfection.
It helps to balance the body.
It helps in the reduction of general anxiety.
It decreases the rate of respiration and heart rate.
It decreases blood pressure and muscle tension.
It decreases the consumption of oxygen and metabolic rate.
It increases the general productivity and energy levels.
It helps in improving concentration and memory.
It improves self-confidence.
It perfectly integrates the nervous system.
It reduces mental stress and physical strain.
It makes the body fit and fine for personal and professional life.
It keeps the mind calm and cool.
It makes the body and mind feel really fresh.
It totally relaxes the whole body.
Those who are suffering from health problem like back injuries are advised not to indulge in Shavasana or Corpse Pose. It is highly suggested pregnant women to stay away from this particular asana. Those who are suffering from respiratory problems are highly advised to stay away from indulging in this particular asana.
In this particular pose, it is often very difficult to perfectly soften the groins and release the heads of the thigh bones. This situation and circumstance creates more tension throughout the whole body plus largely restricts the breath. Do take the assists of a yoga instructor while indulging in Shavasana or Corpse Pose. Never perform this posture when you are alone in the practice session.
The variation of Shavasana or Corpse Pose are Makrasana or Crocodile Pose, Side-Lying Savasana, Blankets Supporting Torso or Restorative Savasana, Savasana with Chair Support, Savasana with Head Support and Savasana with Knee Support. Further variations can be performed with the assistance of yoga instructor as per the need of practice in the yoga sessions for beginners.
With the legs turned out, Savasana is usually performed. It is to be remembered that most of the asana or postures are practiced with lots of outward rotation of the legs. On the other hand, it really feels better to do this particular pose with the legs just turned in.
According to the yoga legends, it is more useful to take the help of a partner in Savasana. A partner can assist to check your any type of physical alignment especially on your head and back. A partner can observe you while you are indulging in the asana or posture as per the given steps and instruction. He or she can advise when you do a mistake and pat on your back when you perform each and every thing in the right manner. It also gives you a feel of being in a group while practicing yoga sessions.
The Savasana or corpse pose must largely conclude both your postures plus your pranayama practices with a lot of perfection.
The follow up poses are instructed by the yoga instructor as per the given situations and circumstances.
In order to assist quiet the mind and release the brain in Savasana. Take the help of a 10-pound sand bag or a solid block. It is to be highly noted that after perfectly reclining on the ground, do position the solid block on the ground just above your head. The solid block must sit on one of its sides and with one of its other ends touching lightly your crown. On the other hand, then directly lay the sand bag half just on the block plus half on your forehead with a lot of perfection.