Pavanamuktasana Yoga Pose (Wind Relieving Pose)

Information on Yoga Asana Pavanamuktasana (Wind Relieving Yoga Pose) Meaning & Uses

The Pavanamukthasana is also known as the Wind Relieving Pose or Wind Removing Pose or the Wind Liberating Pose. The name of this asana is derived from the Sanskrit words 'pavan' meaning wind, 'mukta' meaning relieve and 'asana' meaning posture or seat. In this asana the knees and thighs are pressed against the chest and belly. The gas trapped in the large intestine gets released in this asana and this asana is also used to foretell the strength and power of the wind from within. In this pose the body is positioned in a supine position and this is a very simple pose which can be performed by everyone, whether they are a beginner or an advanced practitioner. It massages the organs of the abdomen and also eases the tension that occurs in the area of the belly and lower back.

Pavanamuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose) Steps / Instructions / Procedure

Follow the following steps in order to complete the Pavanamukthasana -

  • Start this pose by lying down on the floor with the face upward. Then bend both the knees and wrap the hands around the legs.

  • Now lock your hands with the support of your fingers.

  • Now exhale slowly and then raise the head forward till the forehead is in between the knees. While doing so the things should be pressed against the stomach.

  • Now again inhale and then gradually lower the head and then relax.

  • In the final position the thighs should be pressed against the abdomen and the wrists and the elbows should be clasped. The neck should be bent towards the knees and if possible the forehead or chin should touch the knees. The breath should be relaxed.

  • The same pose can then be performed on each side wherein each thigh presses the stomach.

Pavanamuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose) Anatomical Focus

The main anatomical focus of this pose is the abdomen. It stretches and strengthens all the abdominal muscles and makes them stronger and efficient, thereby helping to cure all sorts of digestive problems.

Pavanamuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose) Therapeutic Applications

There are several therapeutic application of this pose. Some of them are - impotence and sterility, Menstrual disorders, constipation, flatulence, it helps to alleviate mental sluggishness and helps you to be more fresh and rejuvenated by releasing the toxins from the body, it makes your mind clear and also helps to activate apana vaayu and samaan vayu. It also helps to activate the prannic flow in the Manipur chakra and solar plexus.

Pavanamuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose) Medical Health Benefits

There are several benefits of this pose. Some of them are as follows -

  1. This pose helps to cure constipation and other digestive disorders. It also helps to cure indigestion and makes the digestive function better.

  2. This pose is very good for the muscles of the abdomen and it helps to cure all the abdominal diseases.

  3. It is good for those who are suffering from gastric trouble as well as piles.

  4. It helps to improve the efficiency of the internal organs, stimulates the nerves and increases the circulation of blood to the internal organs of the body which in turn increases their efficiency.

  5. This asana also helps to get rid of any gases that are trapped in the large intestine.

  6. It helps to loosen the spinal vertebrae and strengthens the muscles of the lower back.

  7. It is an excellent abdominal workout and helps to tone and strengthen the core muscles.

  8. It helps to get rid of the stubborn deposits of fat in the buttocks, thighs and abdomen.

  9. It helps to massage the reproductive organs and pelvic muscles and is considered to be good for menstrual disorders.

  10. It largely helps to increase stamina and strength of the entire body.

  11. It reduces mental stress and physical strain.

  12. It strengthens and stretches the area of thighs.

  13. It perfectly shapes the hips and waists.

  14. It bends the entire back.

  15. It refreshes the nervous system.

  16. It helps to improve the act of balance of the entire body.

  17. It strengthens your triceps, back and wrists.

  18. It really assists to keep you much open to new kind of possibilities.

  19. It stretches the front of the shoulders.

  20. It helps to stretch the neck.

  21. It strengthens the core body staminaIt largely helps to improve the figure.

  22. It entirely stretches the front part of the body.

  23. It stretches and strengthens the shoulder and its surrounding region.

  24. It reduces health problems related kidney.

  25. It helps to improve digestion.

  26. It reduces problems related to constipation.

  27. It improves blood circulation in the body. It strengthens the leg muscles.

  28. It is a best asana or posture for all those who spend long working hours in desk top job position.

  29. It opens the chest and its surrounding region.

  30. It calms the mind and brain.

  31. It strengthens the core with a large extent.

  32. It strengthens and stretches the legs, arms and wrists.

  33. It perfectly stretches the front ankles, chest and shoulders.

  34. It effectively tones the whole body. It stretches and strengthens the legs.

  35. It increases the efficiency of the abdomen region through some pressure on the internal organs of the abdomen.

  36. It strengthens the calves.

  37. It rightly stretches the upper part of the abdomen muscles. It rightly stretches the chest plus the front portion of the ankles.

  38. It helps to fight Fatigue.

  39. It largely enhances digestive system

  40. It gives good appetite.

  41. It increases the energy levels of the body for the personal and professional life.

  42. It support of the shoulders just beneath the heart.

Pavanamuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose) Beginner's Tip

For the beginners who find it a little complicated to perform this pose; they can start this pose by simple Ekpadas Pavanmukthasana which will set the tone of the body for the pose. Also ensure that you start this pose with the right knee drawn in and your left leg extended. This will make sure that the pressure is first applied to the mounting colon and later when you change sides the pressure will be applied by the left leg on the sliding colon. Ensure that the lower back of your body is always in contact with the floor or yoga mat at all times.

Pavanamuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose) Cautions

Even thought this is a very beneficial pose there are certain precautions one needs to be careful of. One should avoid this pose if they have had a recent abdominal surgery or are suffering from hernia. This pose should also be avoided if anyone as a spinal injury or sciatica. This is also not a good pose for pregnant women and this pose should not be done with full stomach. Do not overstress yourself to do this pose. Only practice within your limits.

Pavanamuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose) Variations

There are simple variations of this pose which can make it more interesting and beneficial. If you want to experience a deeper stretch try touching your nose to your knee. If you are already comfortable bringing your single knee to your chest, then try to bring both our knees to your chest to provide you with a deeper stretch.

Pavanamuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose) Partnering

A partner is the best judge to observe whether you are performing the given steps of this particular asana correctly. A partner can easily bring changes in the practitioners by encouraging them when things are performed in the right manner.

Pavanamuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose) Preparatory Poses

The preparatory poses of Pavanamukthasana are the various types of basic Back bend asana series.

Pavanamuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose) Follow up Poses

The follow up poses of Pavanamukthasana is Matyasana or Fish Pose.

Pavanamuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose) Deepen the Pose

The deepening of pose in Pavanamukthasana depends on individual's level of flexibility and stamina.