There are various steps that needs to be carefully followed in order to perform this pose. They have been detailed below
Fold the blanket and come into a vertical kneeling pose and place your hips over your knees
You are then required to stretch your right leg outside. Remember that your knee and ankle must be aligned with your right hip, the ball and heel of the right foot needs to come into contact with the floor. Beginners facing problems in monitoring the movements can make use of something to support the extended right foot
Now, bend your right toes forward in such a manner that the right foot and the left leg are parallel to each other
Take deep breathe, lift your left arm and take it close to left ear and head
Slowly breathe out and try to turn your left arm as well as side of the body towards the left. Your right arm must come down and rest upon the right leg
Look upwards towards your stretched left arm
Remain in this position for around 30 to 60 seconds by taking normal breathe and release. Elongate your body as much as possible
You can repeat this exercise at least 10 times everyday
Now repeat the same process making use of the other side. This time you are supposed to make use of your left foot
Remember to concentrate on your breathe in order to attain better advantage of this form of asana
In order to come down to the normal position it is vital to breathe in and to bring your top arm down. In order to release arms it is advisable to breathe out and try to come back on both knees. Breathe out again in order to sit on both knees, focus upon your breathing style and gauge the dissimilarities on both side of the body
There are various advantages of practicing this form of yoga on a regular basis to human body. It has been evident that Parighasana aids in stretching the sides of the torso as well as spine. It further assists in opening the stiff shoulders and makes them flexible. It has been quite effective in stimulating your abdominal organs along with the lungs if practiced properly. Practicing this form of yoga can assist in enhancing the concentration power of the person. It further can be effective in relieving from mental as well as physical lethargy. On performing this form of yoga you can attain mental calmness and can also regain your energy level. Since, most of the disease is cured by performing this yoga a person finds himself fit and energetic daily. Therefore, it is quite significant to practice this yoga in order to improve the health.
Besides stretching the pelvic area, Parighasana can also provide relief from inflexibility at the back. It has been proved as a remedial measure for mild sciatica, osteoporosis, menstrual problems, backache, arthritis and menopause and can also improve any issues related to infertility. It can be quite effectual in developing core strength and improving the digestion, respiration as well as circulation of blood in the body. The respiratory problems such as asthma, cold and cough can also be cured to a great extent.
A person is supposed to avoid performing this yoga in case of knee pain or if there is any kind of knee injury. You must not practice this form if you have any form of hip or shoulder injury. It is highly advisable to perform this pose under the supervision of the trained teacher in order to avoid any new injuries from taking place.
In order to prepare for most of the standing poses, Parighasana can be used. It is also effective when a person needs to prepare for Utthita Trikonasana, Parivrtta Janu Sisrsana and Utthita Parsvakonasana.
It is to be remembered that while performing this pose, the core muscles of the body tends to hold you in place and not the hands that has been placed over the legs. Hence, you must be capable of maintaining the form of the pose while hanging the hands over the stretched legs. Making use of the folded mat under the knee cap shall aid in performing the pose effectively. Instead of putting the hands over the extended legs, use of block over the floor shall be more accurate. You can also point the toes of the stretched legs and place the sole of the foot down in the floor. It is vital to keep rotating the hips outwards in order to leave the knee caps face upward.
It might be difficult for the beginners to press the foot of the legs on the floor. Hence, there are two options that can be applied. The ball of the foot can be lifted upon the folded blanket or you can also make use of the wall where the ball of the foot needs to be pressed adjacent to the wall.
There are different preparatory poses that helps to perform Parighasana in a proper way. Some of them are Adho Mukha Svanasana, Baddha Konasana, Prasarita Padottanasana, Supta Padangusthasana, Upavistha Konasana, Utthita Parsvakonasana and Utthita Trikonasana.
In the present day context, yoga has been gaining much attention among the youngsters and elderly because of the benefit that it tends to offer to them. Parighasana has been quite effective in improving the lives of the people since its regular practice improves the physical as well as mental state of the well being. It assists in curing the respiratory problems and also helps in eliminating issues related to digestion. It enhances the flexibility of the spinal cord and also can improve the breathing capacity of the person. However, utmost care needs to be taken while practicing this form as it might lead to injuries.