Malasana Yoga Pose (Garland Pose)

Information on Yoga Asana Malasana (Garland Yoga Pose) Meaning & Uses

Malasana is usually known as "Garland Pose". This posture deals with a low squat on the ground plus feet bond together. It resembles like a garland or a rosary. The knees are wide spread apart plus the torso is directly brought just forward between the thighs. Then the arms are gently wrapped just beneath the knees plus bound largely under the hips behind the body. The variations of Malasana or garland pose deals with grabbing your heels or ankles plus lowering the head to the ground with a lot of perfection. The name of this posture is derived from the Sanskrit language words, Mala means rosary, necklace, a string of beads, crown, garland or a wreath and asana means posture. In postural pose, it is described as non-seated pose.

Malasana (Garland Pose) Steps / Instructions / Procedure

  1. Initially squat with your feet together as possible on the ground on a folded yoga mat.
  2. Do slightly separate your thighs wider than your torso.
  3. Then exhaling, lean slightly your torso directly forward plus fit it between your thighs snugly.
  4. Do gently press your elbows against your inner knees.
  5. Then bring your palms firmly together in Salutation Seal or Anjali Mudra.
  6. Do resist your knees into the elbows.
  7. Then lengthen your front torso.
  8. Do gently press your inner thighs just against both sides of your torso.
  9. Then reach for your arms directly forward and swing them just out to the sides.
  10. Do notch your shins with a lot of perfection into your armpits.
  11. Then do press your finger tips to the ground.
  12. Do directly reach around the outside of your ankles
  13. Then clasp your back heels.
  14. Do stay in this position for about 30 seconds to nearly 1 minute.
  15. Then inhale, do straighten your knees plus finally stand into Uttanasana.

Malasana (Garland Pose) Anatomical Focus

The anatomical focus of or garland pose are related foot, legs, thighs, hips, waists, back, hands and head.

Malasana (Garland Pose) Therapeutic Application

The therapeutic applications of or Garland pose are many in number. It is highly recommended to pregnant women as it assists their bodies largely prepare for labor. It is known for loosening the joint of hip. It is better for alleviate constipation.

Malasana (Garland Pose) Medical Health Benefits

There are many benefits of or Garland pose. Few of them are as mentioned-

  1. It stretches and strengthens the groin, lower hamstrings, ankles and back.
  2. It tones the belly.
  3. It provides better relief from lower back strain.
  4. It gives good relief for menses.
  5. It stretches and strengthens the sacrum and hips.
  6. It stimulates digestive organs and metabolism.
  7. It opens your groin and hips.
  8. It tones your abdominals.
  9. It assists in digestion.
  10. It strengthens your metabolism.
  11. It keeps your hip joint and pelvic healthy
  12. It is ideal for prenatal yoga.
  13. It brings flexibility to your ankles.
  14. It increases perfect mobility in your hips.
  15. It perfectly stretches back muscles
  16. It rightly soothes certain causes of backache
  17. It strengthens abdomens
  18. It deeply stretches your back torso.
  19. It greatly improves the performance for gymnasts, dancers, cyclists and runners.
  20. It largely reduces tiredness and fatigue.
  21. During the last month of pregnancy, women are beneficial for their labor.
  22. It perfectly facilitates the smooth delivery of the baby.
  23. It can reduce incontinence in mature yoga practitioners.
  24. It largely improves the normal function of the colon in order to assist with elimination.
  25. It perfectly increases better circulation and smooth blood flow in the pelvis.
  26. It regulates sexual energy.
  27. It improves entire body balance.
  28. It gives better concentration and focus.
  29. It later aid in childbirth with a lot of perfection.
  30. It reduces physical strain and mental stress.

Malasana (Garland Pose) Contraindications and Cautions

Those who are suffering from knee injuries, lower back pain and tight hips must avoid practicing or Garland pose. It loosens tight hips and really challenges your entire balance. In this posture, do avoid forcing, pushing, pulling or jerking any type of movement. Don't ever bounce your hips down and up in any circumstances and situations. You mustn't overstrain your hip flexors and knees. You should indulge only within your own range of abilities and limits. It is to be highly remembered that those you are having any kind of medical concerns should take the suggestions of their personal doctor before indulging in this pose.

Malasana (Garland Pose) Beginner's Tip

In case, if perfectly squatting is very difficult then sit on the chair's front edge seat so that thighs rightly forming a right angle to the torso, with heels on the ground slightly just ahead of the knees with a lot of perfection. Do lean slowly and steadily your torso just forward between the thighs to a great extend. You can use a folded blanket for support under your heels in case if your heels lift when you squat.

Malasana (Garland Pose) Variations

The best variation for the or garland pose is half the asana by standing position plus slowly and steadily going into a squat with a lot of perfection. This position is used to relive wind to a great extend.

Malasana (Garland Pose) Modifications and Props

In case, if your heels don't directly touch the ground then keep a rolled up blanket, foam blocks or a wedge under the heels. On the other hand, if you feel certain pressure in your knees then keep a solid foam block just under your hips then perfectly sit on the stool. On the other hand, if you wish to intensify the stretch in the groins then keep one hand on the floor on the inside of your foot plus gently extend the opposite hand to the ceiling for a better twist plus hold to a great extend. Then do switch sides with a lot of perfection.

Malasana (Garland Pose) Partnering

A partner can assist you in helping in this posture in a better manner. He or she can encourage you when you perform better and correct you when things go totally wrong in any given situations and circumstances in the yoga sessions.

Malasana (Garland Pose) Preparatory Poses

The preparatory poses of or Garland pose are Bound Angle Pose or Baddha Konasana, Warrior Pose or Virasana and Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend or Upavistha Konasana.

Malasana (Garland Pose) Follow-up Poses

The follow up poses of Garland pose or are Uttanasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana and Bhujangasana. These postures can be indulged immediately after performing this asana.

Malasana (Garland Pose) Deepen the Pose

In case, if your feet are perfectly parallel, in order to work on rightly bringing them much closer together. It is better to take certain precaution while indulging in Garland pose.