It is an integral part of the Indian tradition and culture and now has become a major lifestyle choice for many people all over the world. This testifies the significance of this art. Today it is widely practiced all over the world for many health benefits. It helps to harmonize the body, mind and soul and is considered to be highly beneficial.
There are many poses of yoga and each has its own significance and benefits. The Anantasana or the Sleeping Visnhu pose as the name suggests is a sleeping pose. It derives its name from the Hindu deity Vishnu who is considered to be the preserver of the universe, more precisely the serpent Anantnag on whom he rests. 'Ananta' is a Sanskrit words which means 'without end' or the 'infinite one'. The mythical image of Lord Vishnu, lying down on the Anantnag or the many headed serpent who represents eternity, is considered to be very significant. This pose of yoga tries to imitate the grandeur and significance of this very position. The balancing act of this pose brings a lot of benefits to the person who practices it. Although yoga can be performed at any time of the day, but the best results can be obtained when it is done early morning in empty stomach. The environment in which you practice yoga also makes a lot of difference. It is usually best to do it at a place where there is plenty of fresh air and natural environment. This enhances the benefits of the poses.
The following steps are required to perform this pose.
First step is to lie on a mat, preferable on the left side, to start with and steady this position by pressing the heels and the outer part of the left foot firmly into the floor.
Ensuring that the right arm is at 90 degrees angle to the body, raise it straight out along the floor and directly above the head.
Next, lift your head off the floor and support it with the palm of your left arm.
To maintain balance, rest the right arm on the side of your body.
After that bend your right leg at the knee, reach towards the big toe and grab it with the thumb and first two fingers of the right hand.
Maintain this pose for some time. Keep the balance.
Next step - exhale and stretch the right leg towards the ceiling. Sometimes the beginners might find it difficult to extend the leg completely. In this case one can use a belt as a prop to try and hold the foot.
Now hold this pose for few breaths and then release it slowly.
This pose can be repeated in the same sequence of the side reclining leg lift steps for the other side of your body and hold the position for the same amount of time. This helps to create a balance between the two sides of the body.
The main anatomical focus of this pose is the hips. It brings immense benefits to the hips.
This pose is very beneficial for people who are suffering from problems like sciatica, arthritis, hypertension, peptic ulcers and colitis. Regular practice of this asana also helps in relieving physical and mental tiredness. Besides this it is also highly beneficial in curing urinary disorders or problems related to urinary bladder, uterus, prostate, testes and ovaries. It is also useful for treating problems of sex glands. For women it is helpful in dealing with their menstrual problems and also edema of the arms or legs.
There are numerous benefits of this pose. Some of them are -
It stretches the back of the legs and makes it more flexible.
It stretches the sides of the torso.
It tones the belly and all the abdominal muscles and makes it tight.
It makes the spine and muscles more flexible.
It helps to reduce the obesity of the hips and thighs.
It promotes blood circulation in the legs.
It prevents problems like hernia.
It improves the overall body balance.
Although it is a very beneficial pose, it may not be completely beneficial for people who are suffering from conditions like sciatica, slipped disc and cervical spondilitis. People who are suffering from these conditions should try to avoid this pose or take professional guidance before performing it.
One needs to take proper precautions before performing this pose. If at the beginning you feel unstable with the soles pressed to the wall, wedge a bolster against your back. Also ensure that you learn yoga through a trained and licensed practitioner to ensure that you learn the techniques properly.
Ardha Padma Anantasana and Dwi Pada Anantasana
Some of the poses one needs to perform before the practicing this pose are, the Supta Padangusthasana (reclining big toe pose), Parighasana (gate pose), and Utthita Trikonasana (extended triangle pose).
Its follow up pose are Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog).