Chamoli Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Chamoli District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Chamoli, India. These Famous temples in Chamoli district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Chamoli temples / mandir.

Badrinath is a heavenly abode of Lord Vishnu. This place is visited by all Hindus once in a life time as a must in the Himalaya's. The Tapt khund is the holy hot spring that all devotees take a dip before entering this temple places. Here lord Vishnu is seen in yogic position or seated in the Padmasana. Visiting this temple is equivalent to visit heavens is what the mythical beliefs of the Hindu's since the ancient times. Getting the blessing from his heavenly abode is believed to be very powerful by its devotees.

Gopinath and Rudhranath is the other name of Lord Shiva called locally by the villagers. It is one of the pnach kedar for the Hindu pilgrim's circuit in the lower and upper Himalayas. All sects of Hindus come here for worshiping Lord Shiva. It is also a major temple for the Shivaties, a Hindu sect of peoples who worship Lord Shiva as their main God. This temple does not allow the devotees to give bath the Shiva Ling with water and milk.

Kalpeshwar Temple is one of the greatest panch kedar for pilgrims taking a spiritual tour. It is the place where Lord Shiva meditated for a longer time. Visiting this temple and worshiping him will get rid of our sins is what believed by Hinduism in India. Here Lord Shiva is worshiped in the Linga form, which is considered as the symbol of fertility. There is also a cave nearby were the Lord Shiva is carved on a stone with his beautiful locked hair.

Rudranath Temple cave temple is the 2nd temple to be visited in the Panch Kedhar pilgrimage season that starts from May to October of every year. The other six months are closed due to rough weathers of winter and the monsoon rainy season. Here Lord Shiva is worshiped of his face that is emerging out of land from his chest level. This is a rear idol of Lord Shiva to see in Indian temples. During the Panch kedhar seasons, the daily rituals and ceremonies happen in this temple.