Ravi Yoga in Birth Chart in Astrology

Meaning & Effects of Ravi Yoga in Vedic Astrology Horoscope

When Moon nakshatra is 4, 6, 9, 10, 13 and 20 nakshatras distance away from the Sun nakshatra then Ravi yoga sets to get formed. This yoga is concerned with muhuratha part. With this yoga in-auspiciousness sets to get fade away.

There are 27 nakshatras, 7 planets and 2 nodes in Vedic astrology. Each planet and nodes are given ownership of 3 nakshatras. Nakshatras are very important when question of compatibility and muhuratha comes in especially in India.

For ex- Day nakshtra is Pushya and thus this nakshtra is 4 nakshtras away from Sun nakshtra which give rise to Ravi yoga.

This yoga is good for house warming, buying car, property dealing, shop opening etc but there are other factors like tithi, nakshtra, yoga and karana as well that had to be kept in mind while deciding upon muhuratha which require lot of calculations from astrologer end.

Yogas and Doshas in Vedic Astrology