Prem Vridhi Yantra: Benefits Mantra Meaning
Understanding Prem Vridhi Yantra Meaning in Vedic Astrology

Love is a feeling that everybody at one point or the other feels in life. It can be generalised into two broad classes i.e. two sided love in which the love given by one is reciprocated by the other and one sided love where love is not reciprocated. The latter kind of love is one that usually depresses people and at times proves fatal. Therefore for the one sided love affairs to be turned into two sided love affairs a talisman was created. This talisman that makes a person love another is known as Prem Vridhi Yantra.
This Prem Vridhi Yantra has been known to exist in many cultures across the world. This yantra or talisman is known to create a magical aura around the wearer which makes people he/she interacts with to fall for him/her. This talisman can be used to influence a large group of people to wonder and get attracted to the wearer or it can be directed against a certain individual whom he/she would want to bring under her spell.
Prem Vridhi Yantra Benefits / Speciality
This yantra is a powerful one and possesses the magic of attraction in it. The yantra has the power to subdue someone with love and bring him/her under her control. The strength of this particular talisman depends upon the owner's faith, belief and will power. The stronger the faith and will power of the owner in it the stronger the effects of the talisman. It is believed that the yantra works on the principle of the energy of one's mind wave. For the talisman to work one should believe in the yantra without the slightest doubt and should share a karmic propensity towards whom the charm is directed. The will power and the energy of the brain are channelled by the yantra towards the one you love and influence him/her to reciprocate feelings for you.
The yantra is said to take usually anywhere between an month or two to show its effect but it has been known to work much faster if the desire of the wearer is strong enough. The yantra is fuelled by ones desire, faith, belief and love for the other, however if there is even the slightest of doubts as to whether the yantra works or not then the power of the yantra is automatically reduced. Absolute faith and belief is the main key to the success of this talisman.
This yantra can be used in a couple whose relationship seems to be falling apart. It is used to recreate the spark that was one there between the couple and make them fall in love all over again. It has been used by married couples to keep in check their spouses.
The Prem Vridhi Yantra is a talisman that should be used only for positive purposes for if the talisman is used for negative purposes then it may not produce results. One must also keep in mind that this talisman works only if there is some sort of karmic connection or inclination between the person he/she wants to attract and wants to acquire. It must always be kept in mind that love is a feeling that cannot be forced upon someone; one can only encourage it to happen.
This talisman is to be worshipped every Friday by sprinkling it with "ganga jal" and milk to work at its best. The mantra that is to be chanted during the worship is "Kleeng Kamdevaay Namah" which helps in powering the talisman.
Yantras in Vedic Astrology