Navgrah Yantra: Benefits Mantra Meaning
Understanding Navgrah Yantra Meaning in Vedic Astrology

The NavGrah Yantra is a Yantra that has been created to nullify the negative effects of all the nine planets. Indian astrology revolves around the celestial bodies' position during the time of one's birth and is said to have a tremendous impact on a person's life. Each celestial body is believed to have some kind of effect in one's life and occurrences depending on their position. Therefore as a protective measure Yantra's were created.
Navgrah Yantra Benefits / Speciality
The NavGrah Yantra is one which helps the wearer in many aspects of life. Each person when born comes under a zodiac sign that has its own ruling planet. This ruling planet gives him a wide range of opportunities and positive energy when it is at a favourable position. However when the ruling planet of the person is at a bad position the things can go very wrong for him. It is however not entirely dependent on his ruling planet but also on the other planets in the solar system. Each of these planets has the capability to interfere in a person's life and negate it. Therefore instead of creating a Yantra having remedies against a single planet, a Yantra that would have remedy for the entire nine planets was created.
The nine planets or celestial bodies of the Indian astrology are the sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. The position of these nine celestial bodies plays an important role in astrology and accordingly creates positive and negative effects on a persons' life. Thus the NavGrah was created to maximise the potential of the positive happenings and also to minimise the negative happenings in a person's life.
The Yantra consists of nine squares and each square represents a planet. Each square of the Yantra is a talisman with special engravings and figures on it. The material used to create the Yantra is made up of five metals that are collectively known as Panch Dhatu. The five metals that make up the talisman are gold, silver, copper, bronze and iron. The shape of the Yantra is square.
This particular Yantra rather than being worn on the neck, arm or fingers is best kept at one stationary place. This Yantra is meant to be kept in houses or work places. The Yantra is usually hung on walls or kept on desks facing the eastern side. It is not hung high like the other images, photos of reverence but it is kept at waist height.
The NavGrah when being instated at home or the work place is done in the similar way of invoking the other yantras. However the
mantras that are spoken during the invoking of the NavGrah are very different than that of the others. The
mantras that are to be recited with full faith and belief is as follows:-
"Om Suryaaye Namah, Om Chandraye Namah, Om Budhaye Namah, Om Brihaspataye Namah, Om Mangalaye Namah, Om Shurkaye Namah, Om Shanaye Namah, Om Rahave Namah, Om Navgrihaya Namah."
Once the NavGrah Yantra has been invoked and instated into the household one can be rest assured that whatever was troubling you will soon pass over. The Nav Grah will protect the family into which it has been invoked to in terms of health, happiness, warding off evil, increasing the positive potential and removing the negative effect of the planets.
Yantras in Vedic Astrology