Shree Ganpati (Ganesh) Yantra: Benefits Mantra Meaning
Understanding Shree Ganpati (Ganesh) Yantra Meaning in Vedic Astrology

"Jai Ganesh" is what every devout Hindus say before undertaking any kind of activity be it while starting a new business, shifting to a new home, starting a new project, starting a new wedded life, doing anything auspicious etc. Lord Ganesha is the 'Lord of Beginnings' and with his blessing all the obstacles and hurdles that lie ahead in the path will be removed. Lord Ganesha is among the most loved and immensely worshipped Hindu Deity. He is among the five prime Hindu deities (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and Durga being the other four) whose devotion is extolled as the panchayatana puja.
According to Hindu Mythology Lord Ganesha is the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati who was beheaded my Lord Shiva because of which it was later replaced with a baby elephant's head. The Elephant's head on a human body symbolizes Atman or soul and the existence of mortal human beings respectively. The trunk represents OM, the sound of cosmic reality. On his upper right hand Ganesha holds a goat which facilitates him impel humanity on the perpetual path and remove obstacles from the way. The noose on his left hand signifies the power to conquer all troubles.
The broken tusk in his right hand symbolizes sacrifice and the prayer beads in his other hand propose that the pureness of knowledge should be perpetual. The laddoo he holds in his trunk bespeaks that one must find the sweetness of the soul. His fan-like ears symbolizes he hears our prayers. The snake round his waist exemplifies energy in all forms. His humbleness is observed from the lowest creature he rides, a mouse.
Ganapati Yantra Benefits / Speciality
People who worship and offer prayers to Ganpati Yantra are blessed with success in all the tasks they undertake. As Lord Ganesha is the Lord of Success he confers prosperity and success to his followers. Ganapati Yantra can benefit all those who want to succeed in life; it also helps people who are starting something fresh and new. He blesses them and guides them towards the path of success. The effect of Ganapati Yantra removes all the obstacles and ensures accomplishments of all the endeavours people set about.
The mantra for Ganpati Yantra
"Om Gang Ganapataye Namaha"
How to use Ganapati Yantra?
Yantras act like nature's antenna that draws cosmic energy from the universe. It conspires to bring good fortune and showers his believers with success, knowledge and wisdom. The following should be kept in mind while revering Ganapati Yantra.
- Always being praying after having a bath and cleansing your body.
- The Yantra should always face the East or the North and must be kept in a clean and sacred altar.
- No other person should touch the Yantra except the one seeking its blessings
- The Yantra must be kept very clean and holy so it has to be washed at regular intervals. Rose water or milk can be used for cleaning the Yantra. The colour of the Yantra may change over a perios of time but that is not a cause for alarm
- Offer incense and sandalwood paste.
- Lay down fresh flowers and fresh fruits at the alter.
- Light a candle or a diya in front of the Yantra.
Now chant the
Ganapati Mantra 21 times seeking for your prayers to be answered.
Yantras in Vedic Astrology