12 Mukhi Rudraksha: Benefits Significance & Meaning
Understanding 12 Mukhi Rudraksha Effects Benefits & Meaning in Astrology

" 12 / Twelve / Dwadasha / Baraha Mukhi (Face) Rudraksha "
12 Mukhi Rudraksha Meaning & Introduction
The 12 mukhi rudraksha has twelve lines running on its surface and this is how it gets its name. It belongs to 12 panth and is the symbol of the Sun, which is the most powerful planet of all in the universe. It is the source of all the energy and plays a vital role in the existence of the entire universe. One who wears this rudraksh gets blessings from many gods and deities and is able to stay in a special connection with them. It helps to remove all the sins of the wearer and it is also believed that one who wears this will get punya that is equivalent to the donating 108 cows. This rudraksh is also called Dwadash aditya and because it is blessed by the Sun, which is the source of all the energy in the universe, it makes the wearer get rid of all the lethargy and fills them with full vibrancy and radiance. All of this improves their attitude in life and makes them more and more positive. It is also believed that one who wears this will free them from all kinds of fear or fire and diseases in life. One who wears this rudraksh will be able to free them from all kinds of sins like killing holy animals like cows, elephants, horses and even men. It makes them free from any kind of problems or obstacles in life. It can be worn by anyone who wants to be free, happy and prosperous. It brings them happiness, authority and plenty of other benefits. It is beneficial for all, including administrators, businessmen, politicians, professionals and the common ordinary man.
12 Mukhi Rudraksha Significance
With the influence and blessings of Sun, this rudraksh brings a lot of activity and energy in the life of its wearer. It is highly significant to bring in many positive changes in our life. If you want to get the maximum benefits from wearing this rudraksh, then you should wear the one from Nepal as those ones are the most powerful of all and it has a high degree of healing. We also find one variety which grows in Java but it is not as powerful as the one found in Nepal. It is also recommended for curing many diseases that is related to eye, heart, bone, stomach, mental disorders, blood pressure, diabetes, rickets and osteoporosis. It makes a person bold and confident and removes all kinds of fears and tensions. It brings in all the positive energy of the sun and makes life as radiant and as vibrant as the sun. Most importantly it will make them happy from within. To get the best out of this rudraksh one has to wear it in the right way, which is by clubbing it with gold and silver and tying it in a string of red thread. It should he touched to the Shivling before wearing it and should be worn around the neck while chanting the right mantra.
Twelve Mukhi Rudraksh in the Puranas and scriptures
The 12 mukhi rudraksh finds plenty of mention in the scriptures, mostly in the Vidyesvara Samhita of Shiv Puran, Srimaddevibhagavat and others. In verse 5 to 7 of Vidyesvara Samhita of Shiv Puran, Shiva himself explains how the rudraksh was formed out of his tear when he could not stop it from flowing after experiencing the satisfaction of fulfillment of thousands of years of divine mediation. It is thus considered to be the representation of Lord Shiva. It says that the rudraksh is very prosperous and fruitful and one who wears it will have a blessed life. Wearing a garland of rudraksh will please all the gods and goddesses and bring them immense joy and happiness to them. Wearing a rudraksh is like attaining the perfection of Vedas and receiving the blessings of Lord Shiva. All the facts are given in the scriptures and puranas which are considered to be basis of our culture and tradition.
12 Mukhi Rudraksha Health Benefits / Uses
Some of the benefits / uses of wearing the three faced rudraksh are that it brings radiance, lusture, brilliance, youthfulness, vitally and intelligence to the wearer. It brings knowledge and immense pleasure to all those who wear it. It is also highly beneficial as it helps to remove all the obstacles from one's life and makes life problem free. One who wears this will never suffer from any kind of physical and mental pain. For those who have low self esteem, confidence and motivation in life, it helps to boost all of them and make it more meaningful. They can overcome any hurdle in life with the renewed energy, confidence and enthusiasm. It improves your connection with the Sun god and hence they become fearless and free from all kinds of trouble. It brings freedom from all kinds of vices like stress, worries, suspicion and anger. One who wears this will get all the qualities of the sun - radiance, strength, and brilliance. It will also help to get rid of all the malefic effects of the sun and has several medical benefits. It is beneficial for people of all profession and all age groups. One can wear it without any fear or doubts.
12 Mukhi Rudraksha Astrological Views
This rudraksh is ruled by the planet sun and its ruling deity is also the Sun, hence it is very powerful. Both of them have a considerable impact on its characteristics which makes it one of the strongest rudraksh which can be beneficial for many people.
12 Mukhi Rudraksha Mantras
The most important mantra for this rudraksh is 'SRI SURYAYE NAHAM' and 'AUM KRAUM SRAUM RAUM NAMAH' and should be chanted minimum nine times every day during the process of wearing it. One needs to wear it in the morning after taking bath and should remove it while going to bed at night.
Some of the important mantras you can chant while wearing this bead are 'Om Hreen Hoom Namah" (Shiva Puran), 'Om Hroom Namah' (Mantra Maharanava), 'Om Hreem Namah' (Skanda Puran), 'Mahamrityunjai Mantra' (Brahajjalopanishad), 'OM Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushit Vardhanam Urbarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Majmritat', 'Om Namah Shivaya'.
12 Mukhi Rudraksha Chakra Association : Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra)
Symbol: Lord Surya, the Sun God
Ruling Planet: Sun
Recommended for: Heart, Lung, and Skin Disease, Hiatus of Stomach, Esophagus and Bowel Problems.