10 Mukhi Rudraksha: Benefits Significance & Meaning
Understanding 10 Mukhi Rudraksha Effects Benefits & Meaning in Astrology

" 10 / Ten / Das Mukhi (Face) Rudraksha "
10 Mukhi Rudraksha Meaning & Introduction
10 mukhi rudraksha is called so because it has ten natural lines on its surface. It represents Lord Vishnu who is considered to be the preserver of the entire universe, and thus it is highly beneficial. One who wears it will be able to overcome all sorts of difficulties in life with the blessings of Lord Vishnu. The wearer along with their family will be protected at all times due to the influence of this rudraksha. Besides Vishnu it also represents gods of all ten directions who will shower their blessings on the wearer. It also destroys all the sins that have been committed by any of the ten organs of our body. Besides that it is also blessed by Yamraj who is the god of death, thus wearing it will also save oneself form the fear of untimely death. It prevents the wearer from any influence of black magic, evil eye etc. It is a very rare bead which is found basically in round or oval shapes. It is not ruled by any planet in particular thus it pacifies all the nine planets as a whole. It has the power to eliminate all kinds of evil beings and the wearer gets protection from many gods. This will nullify all the negative effects one can have in their life and it becomes easy and pleasurable for them. With so much positivity attached to this rudraksha can sure be one of the best possessions one can have.
10 Mukhi Rudraksha Significance
This rudraksha has the power of Dashavatara Narayan, especially the incarnation of Lord Krishna. It is one of the most effective and useful rudrakshas and is good especially for the devotees of Narayana. Lord Vishnu, whom this rudraksha represents, is one of the most important gods of the Hindus. He is married to Goddess Lakshimi who is the god of wealth and prosperity. He rides a huge creature, which is half bird and half man and is called the Gandara. He lives in the heaven and his home is called the Vaikuntha. He has about thousand names. Thus with so much power and magnitude surrounding the ruling god, this rudraksha becomes very important and one who wears it will gain numerous benefits. The ten mukhi rudraksha found in Nepal is considered to be the most powerful of all. Even though one can find ten mukhi's in Java and other countries also, the one found in Nepal is considered to be the most powerful of all. It has a strong healing power and plenty of positive energy. Wearing it can bring enhanced benefits and it is highly recommended for people who are going through a tough time in life. It helps to eliminate all the negative energy and keeps one away from all kinds of evil influences, thus making life much more easy and pleasant. It is a symbol of Lord Narayan and also has blessings of many other gods, which makes it more powerful than other rudraksha.
Ten Mukhi Rudraksha in the Puranas and Scriptures
There is plenty of mention about this rudraksha in the scriptures, especially in Vidyesvara Samhita, Shiv Puran and Srimaddevibhagava. In verse 4 of Videyesvara Samhita of Shiv Puran there is a verse which says 'O Siva Maheshwari, be pleased to hear the greatness of Rudraksha. I speak out of love for you from a desire for the benefit of the devotee of Siva'. This line clearly talks about the significance of Rudraksha in the life of people. In verse 5-7 of Videsvara Samhita of Shiv Puran, Shiva himself explains how the rudraksha was created from his tears as he was overwhelmed by the fulfillment of his divine penance of thousand years, that he could not help but drop a tear from his eyes. This tear of fulfillment and satisfaction went out to be the rudraksha, hence it has high divinity. Besides this there are numerous other mentions about the rudraksha in different verses and parts of puranas and sastras.
10 Mukhi Rudraksha Health Benefits / Uses
This rudraksha has several benefits / uses which include psychological, medical and other general benefits. It provides energy of creation and perseverance to the wearer and it also protects them from all kinds of problems. With the blessings of Narayana Vishnu, the wearer is protected from all kinds of evil spirits and negative energy, including ghosts, black magic etc. It helps the wearer form a connection with Lord Vishnu which has a huge positive impact on their lives. They will be able to wash away their sins and get rid of all their worries and tensions. It is also helpful in removing the vices of misery, insecurity, jealousy and gives a lot of peace to the wearer. It can be quite beneficial for households, businessmen and servicemen and also for any common person. It helps to ease out tensions and burdens and allows the mind to meditate and concentrate. It also has several therapeutic benefits like it helps to ease back pain, psychic attacks and regulates the functioning of musculoskeletal and genital system.
10 Mukhi Rudraksha Astrological View
This rudraksha has no specific ruling planet, hence it is beneficial for pacifying all the nine planets, and can be generally worn by all individuals. Its ruling deity is Lord Narayan or Vishnu, especially in the form of Lord Krishna who is one of his most important reincarnations. All this has a significant impact on the characteristics of this rudraksha which in turn plays a decisive role in the life of the individuals who wear it.
10 Mukhi Rudraksha Mantra
The most important mantra for this rudraksha is 'OM HREEM NAMAH', 'SRI NARAYANAAYE NAMAH', and 'SRI VISHNAVAI NAMAH' and should be chanted minimum nine times every day during the process of wearing it. One needs to wear it in the morning after taking bath and should remove it while going to bed at night. Some of the important mantras you can chant while wearing this bead are 'Om Hreen Hoom Namah" (Shiva Puran), 'Om Hroom Namah' (Mantra Maharanava), 'Om Hreem Namah' (Skanda Puran), 'Mahamrityunjai Mantra' (Brahajjalopanishad), 'OM Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushit Vardhanam Urbarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Majmritat', 'Om Namah Shivaya'.
10 Mukhi Rudraksha Chakra Association : All Major Chakras
Symbol: Lord Vishnu
Ruling Planet: No Ruling Planet
Recommended for: Insomnia, Conceiving Problem, Anxiety, Hearing Disease and Unstable Mind