1 Mukhi Rudraksha: Benefits Significance & Meaning
Understanding 1 Mukhi Rudraksha Effects Benefits & Meaning in Astrology

" 1 / One / Ek Mukhi (Face) Rudraksha "
1 Mukhi Rudraksha Meaning & Introduction
The 1 mukhi rudraksha is the most auspicious and the powerful of all. It symbolizes Lord Shiva himself and is also the symbol of Godhood the God of Supreme Truth. Lord Shiva who is one of the three important gods of Hinduism along with Brahma and Vishnu is the lord associated with this rudraksha. He is also considered to be the lord of dance, language, music, Ayurveda, love and the cycle of birth and rebirth. Hence the power of this rudraksha is immense and is considered to be the main of all other types of rudraksha that is available. Legend has it that those houses which keep one faced rudhraksh have abundant of peace and pleasure surrounding the house. It eliminates the fear of untimely death and makes the wearer very fortunate. Luck always seems to be by their side and they will always achieve success in everything they do. The possessor of this bead will not only have abundant of worldly pleasure but also remains unaffected by them. This type of rudraksha can be ideal for doctors and it helps them to make correct diagnosis of diseases and thus provide with correct treatment. This in turn can be very beneficial for thousands of his patients. who will get proper and correct treatment on time.
1 Mukhi Rudraksha Significance
Besides the fact that it is a symbol of Lord Shiva and that it is ruled by the planet Sun and its ruling god is Omkar, this Rudraksha also has a lot of other significance. This Rudraksha has to be worn specially on Mondays to get the maximum benefits. It is recommended for those people who have heart disease and other problems related to blood, veins, headache, right eye defect etc. Some of the vital organs of the body where it exerts influence are pineal, pituitary, optic chiasma and hypothalamus. Some of its strongest properties are that it is believed that one who wears it can redeem even the most serious sins that they have committed like the murder of a Brahmin. Besides this it is also believed that the wearer acquires the knowledge of a Brahmin and control over all his senses. This helps them achieve detachment from all the worldly pleasures. It also gives eternal bliss and helps the wearer attain moksha after death which is very vital for any human being. This rudraksha can be worn by all the adults who are facing difficulties and obstacles in life as it is considered to be the destroyer of all evils and sins. It can also be worn by those who want favor from the Sun god and want to remove its malevolent effects. People who are great devotees of Lord Shiva and the Sun god also wear them to receive their blessings and attention. It is also worn by those who wants to attain detachment from the worldly things and pleasures and wants to attain moksha, the ultimate freedom from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth.
One Mukhi Rudraksha in the Puranas and Scriptures
This Rudraksha finds special mention in the puranas and other important Hindu scriptures. According to Padma Purana, in chapter 57, verse 38 and 39, it is clearly mentioned that only the one favored by Lord Shiva will be able to possess the one mukhi Rudraksha as it is extremely special and its possessor will attain Shiva's blessings and his heaven, the Kailash. Getting a one mukhi rudraksha is like getting Shiva himself as it is an embodiment of the Lord. It helps to destroy all kinds of sins and destroys all evils. Also in Srimaddevibhagavat 11th Skand chapter V verses 25 and 26 it is sated that one will be able to wear this rudraksha only after attaining the perfection of Vedas and thus receiving the blessings of Lord Shiva. One also needs to have done good deed in the previous birth to be able to achieve one of these. In verse 23 of chapter VII it is mentioned that one should wear this rudraksha by infusing it with Bija mantras and that it helps to envision the Partattva.
1 Mukhi Rudraksha Health Benefits / Uses
There is several benefits / uses of wearing it. Besides giving immense pleasure and satisfaction as it is the symbolic representation of Lord Shiva, it also helps to fulfill all the desires of the wearer and helps to remove all the problems and obstacles that come in their way of life. It helps to raise the level and standard of people who wear them and also enhances their leadership qualities. One who constantly uses it will be able to scale great heights of success in life. Without anything to hamper their journey of success, there will be nothing to stop them from being at the top. It is used to remove the malefic effects of Sun and makes everything smooth and easy. This makes life easy and pleasure to deal with. There is a specific way of wearing this Rudraksha to gain the maximum benefit from it. Ek Mukhi rudraksha should always be worn with gold or silver and it should be worn around the neck. Alternatively it can also be placed in the place of worship in your house. One should chant the correct mantra while worshipping it. Every morning after getting up the person who keeps the rudraksha should chant the mantra and salute the rudraksha. One should follow all these rituals religiously to ensure that they get the maximum benefit from it.
1 Mukhi Rudraksha Astrological Views
The Rudraksha is ruled by all planets and its ruling god is Parama Shiva and all this has a significant impact on its characteristics. As an impact of all the planets it has numerous positive effects on its wearer, which can bring both therapeutic and medical benefits.
1 Mukhi Rudraksha Mantras
The most important mantra for this rudraksha is 'AUM NAHAM SHIVAYE' and 'AUM HREEM NAHAM and should be chanted minimum nine times every day during the process of wearing it. One needs to wear it in the morning after taking bath and should remove it while going to bed at night. Some of the important mantras you can chant while wearing this bead are 'Om Hreen Hoom Namah" (Shiva Puran), 'Om Hroom Namah' (Mantra Maharanava), 'Om Hreem Namah' (Skanda Puran), 'Mahamrityunjai Mantra' (Brahajjalopanishad), 'OM Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushit Vardhanam Urbarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Majmritat', 'Om Namah Shivaya'.
1 Mukhi Rudraksha Chakra Association : Manipura Chakra (Navel Chakra)
Symbol: Lord Shiva
Ruling Planet: Sun
Recommended for: Headache, Heart Disease, Blood Pressure and Right Eye Defect.