Moon Planet in Birth Chart in Vedic Astrology

Moon Planet in Horoscope Importance, Meaning & Benefits in Indian Astrology

Moon Planet Astrology Meaning

This is very important planet in astrology next only to sun. In Hindu astrology most important Dasa Vimshottari dasa is based only on the position of moon in one horoscope. Janam nakshtra (asterism) is also based on moon position in one horoscope. Moon sign is based on moon is in which Zodiac sign in astrology birth chart.

Moon represents Mother, mind, emotions, lakes, ponds, water, milk, nourishment, security etc. When Moon is afflicted with rahu or ketu and is having serious afflictions then matru dosha is formed.

Various attributes related to Moon are as follows:

Direction North West
Gemstone Pearl
Metal Silver
Signification Mother
Gender Female
Zodiac Sign Ruler cancer
Exaltation Taurus
Mooltrikona Taurus
Friendly Signs Sun, Mercury
Enemy Signs -
Representation Moon is signified as queen in Vedic astrology.

Time of Moon remain in Zodiac Sign

Moon remains for 2 and half days in Zodiac Sign.

Moon Planet Benefic Effects (Good Effects)

If Moon is benefic in birth chart then it will give benefic results for that house in which it is present probably in its dasa antardasa.

Moon Planet Malefic Effects (Bad Effects)

If Moon is malefic in birth chart then it is bad for one Mother. Negative effects for that house will be seen in one life in which moon is present malefically but overall results for that house will depend upon placement aspects and conjunction of other planets as well.

Moon Planet Diseases

Malefic Moon can give you emotional problems, mood swings, blood related problems, but again severity of it will depend upon how much moon is afflicted in horoscope.

Moon Planet Body Part

Moon rules Blood.

Moon Planet Career

When Moon is beneficially placed then person can try for import / export work may be as project documentation or any kind of work deals with import / export, can work in sea industry or apparel industry.