Mercury Planet in Birth Chart in Vedic Astrology

Mercury Planet in Horoscope Importance, Meaning & Benefits in Indian Astrology

Mercury Planet Astrology Meaning

Mercury symbolizes speech, intelligence, Medicines, trade, computers, astrology and knowledge of the Journalism, printing and publishing industry. It also depicts person decision making power. Mercury also depicts communication power of person.

Various attributes related to Mercury are as follows:

Direction North
Gemstone Emerald
Metal Bronze
Signification Sister
Gender Eunuch
Zodiac Sign Ruler Gemini, Virgo
Exaltation Virgo
Mooltrikona Virgo
Friendly Signs Sun, Venus
Enemy Signs Moon
Representation Mercury is signified as Minister in Vedic astrology

Time of Mercury remain in Zodiac Sign

Mercury remains for 1 month in Zodiac Sign.

Mercury Planet Benefic Effects (Good Effects)

If Mercury is benefic in birth chart then it will give benefic results for that house in which it is present probably in its dasa antardasa.

Mercury Planet Malefic Effects (Bad Effects)

If Mercury is malefic in birth chart then it is bad for one Sister. Negative effects for that house will be seen in one life in which Mercury is present malefically but overall results for that house will depend upon placement aspects and conjunction of other planets as well.

Mercury Planet Diseases

Malefic Mercury can give you Skin related problems, psoriases, Mental problems, hair related problems, but again severity of it will depend upon how much Mercury is afflicted in horoscope.

Mercury Planet Body Part

Mercury rules Skin as well as hair

Mercury Planet Career

When Mercury is beneficially placed then person can try for Bank Jobs, Printing and publishing jobs, Psychologist and can become Computer professional.