11th House in Birth Chart in Vedic Astrology

11th House in Horoscope Meaning & Characteristics in Indian Astrology

11th House Astrology

This house signifies wish fulfillment, visions, success in undertakings, incoming wealth, and society.

11th House Benefic Effects

If this house is in benefic state, then person can opt for business & thus chances will be created for wealth generation, for ex - if Jupiter is strong in eleventh house then person can go in for business, there can be success in business. Chances of wish fulfillment will be maximized. As Jupiter signifies luck, so person will be lucky in business.

11th House Malefic Effects

If this house is malefic in birth chart, then one should not opt for business, but if it is malefic in range of 40% it can be strengthened through astrological remedies as well as awareness of business principles in which person wants to set up his business.

11th House Remedies

As stated if this house is in malefic position and one wants to go in for business and even if there is little scope in birth chart for success of business then that dim possibility can be strengthened by way of remedies. For ex- If malefic mercury is creating obstacles then Mercury had to be pacified (means cooling down the planet by remedies like donation, chanting of mantras, gems etc).

Eleventh House Results

If benefic planet is in eleventh house then fruitful results of eleventh house will come in person life but if malefic planet is involved then one should stay away from business. Results can only be predicted by studying person birth chart and by studying dosa and yoga in janam kundali(birth chart).

11th House Timing of Results

Timing depends upon potential of birth chart and transit chart and Dasa and antardasa had to be studied in synchronization with transit chart to know possible timing.