Astrology Houses Analysis for Career

Astrology Houses Analysis for Career in Vedic Astrology

In our day to day life so many times we look that our co-competitors or our close friends grow in there professional life with leaps and bounds while when we see ourselves we realize that we had got same set of education and good marks at school level but still we lags behind after all we go in for higher education will the sole reason to get good jobs prospects in near future but all those visions go in dust. Then frustration and anger creeps in and one may go in depression.

While on the other hand we also see at times that one is not good in there education and then also they earn better than there counterparts. So why this disparities comes. Let try to figure it out with the help of astrology.

In Vedic astrology:-

- 2nd and 4th house stands for primary education
- 5th stands for higher studies
- 9th house stands for Luck and visions
- 10th house stands for profession.

Here if 2nd and 4th house, 10th house of one is strong then his/her primary education will be good which in turn due to 9th house luck give one suitable opportunities to gain in profession 10th house.

If only 10th house is strong in birth chart, while 2nd and 4th house is weak or malefic, then one had to struggle in primary education but he/she will got to choose profession or luck is so strong that merely by normal education one shows adequate progress in his career in life time.

If 2nd, 4th, 5th house is strong but 10th house is weak, then one primary education (2nd, 4th house) and higher education (5th house) will be quite good but cannot be converted into reliable or strong career life (10th house) as 10th house is weak. So in spite of better education, one lags behind in career.

Timings: Here fructification of benefic results of that house will come into effect when birth chart benefic planets of particular house comes in there original position in birth chart or in there dasa-antardasa with benefic functional planet of birth chart or in there dasa antardasa with particular house related functional benefic planets of birth chart and there is possibility of benefic results for that house in birth chart.

Remedies: Here remedies can be provided for particular house related planets of particular house which are malefic or are weaker in birth chart.

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