Srinagar Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Srinagar District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Srinagar, India. These Famous temples in Srinagar district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Srinagar temples / mandir.

The temple tends to hold religious significance for the people of Jammu. The eighth day of the full moon day in the month of May possess great importance for Maa Bhavani devotees. People tend to observe fast on that day and visit the temple in order to offer their prayers. It is on this particular day Maa Bhavani alters the color of the spring water. During the Shukla Paksh Asthami day, 'havans' are conducted inside the temple in order to seek blessings from Maa Bhavani.

The temple has not only gained prominence in India but also the entire world. The reason behind this fact is that the temple tends to represents the basic of rituals of Hinduism. In terms of hymning of slokas and devoting prayers to the God, the temple has been symbolizing the convectional beliefs as well as customs of the Hindus. From the time when the Hindu religion was formed in India, many customs have tried to follow it.