Reasi Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Reasi District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Reasi, India. These Famous temples in Reasi district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Reasi temples / mandir.

It can be mentioned that the temple has attained much importance because of the devotees' faith upon Maa Kali. After Vaishno Devi, Kalika temple is considered to have attained much significance because of the mystical power of Maa Kali. Due to the rising faith of the people in the divine power of Kali, the temple has attained popularity worldwide. The people of Reasi district tend to visit the temple on a regular basis in order to achieve blessings from Maa Kali.

According to another legend, it is also believed that Shiv Khori was discovered by a Muslim shepherd who in search of his goat went inside the cave and saw numerous saints worshipping Lord Shiva. He was impressed by the Divine power of god and started to pray there. In spite of the promise made not to reveal the secret regarding the saints and the cave, the shepherd said it to everyone. It is believed that the saint died later on because of narrating the story.