Rajkot Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Rajkot District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Rajkot, India. These Famous temples in Rajkot district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Rajkot temples / mandir.

Chamunda Mataji Temple has much religious significance, thus, devotees from all around the state visit the temple and give prayer to mother Chamunda for satisfying their desires. She is worshipped regularly through various religious activities such as aarti, bhog, mantra and prayers. The celestial atmosphere of the temple bound the devotees with certain spiritual appeal.

People visit Ishwariya Temple for two basic reasons, one is that the location of the temple attracts various travellers to enjoy the scene and the second is that the temple has its own spiritual aspect. Although most people visit the temple during festive season, many travellers also go to Ishwariya Temple area during winter season for enjoying picnic with friends and families.

Swaminarayan Temple is known internationally for its religious value along with the social activities as well as charitable services they deliver to the people. The act of conducting such an admirable social services provides it a higher gratitude in comparison with other temples in Gujarat. Devotees with spiritual mind-set visit this temple frequently. Thousands of people drove to the temple regularly for offering their prayers. It follows the ethical guiding principles set by the BAPS.