Mysore Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Mysore District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Mysore, India. These Famous temples in Mysore district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Mysore temples / mandir.

This temple is mostly adorned by the Hindu religion, which practice worshiping the Durga Devi. This Devi is also know in various names and has significant history of its type. This Chamundeshwari temple is believed to be a power full place of worship. Once visiting here can get rid away of all evils in you. Mostly the women members come here with lot of customs and tradition of keeping herself neat and clean, avoiding non vegetarian food and offering daily pooja before visiting to this temple.

Srikanteshwara is the other name of Lord Shiva. Neela Kandan or Neelakanteshwar name is called due to the blue color of his skin. Shiva is known to be the transformer of this world and also acknowledges as the destroyer of the evils. He is worshiped in the highest order of life and death by the Hindu's. The word Shivam means great god. Shivam is also known as dead in Sanskrit. So the worshipers of Shiva or the Shivik's are known to be well disciplined in attitude. Peoples visit here in the August month of the new moon day to pay homage to the departed souls. Since Lord Shiva is known to be the heavens mighty. The Hindu peoples come here from many palaces to perform this special pojas and give offering to this god.