Mandya Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Mandya District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Mandya, India. These Famous temples in Mandya district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Mandya temples / mandir.

Cheluvanarayana Swamy Temple is a masterpiece of craftsmanship for its pillars and sculptures. This is built in a Dravidian temple style. A large pond is built near its foot hill, were its main steps starts. This pond is a stone built and are formed in step shaped design. It has got a very good stone block steps. These steps have arched pillars on its ways to take rest by the pilgrims. The entrance is really beautiful with a triangular tower known as the Gopuram. This temple is in a square structure. The main entrance is a pillared structure with a gopuram on its top.

The Vishnavate followers are its main devotees and they visit here on auspicious occasions of important days in the Hindu colander year. This is also worship by all Hindus peoples too, who is not a believers in particular sect of gods and goddesses of the great Hindu Mythology followed in the Indian Sub Continent from the Vedic Era. This temple has all of its sects of Vishnavate Idols, sculptors and female ditties. There are nearly 24 idol's built here. This is a one place temple to visit all of these dos and goddesses in a temple.