Malappuram Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Malappuram District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Malappuram, India. These Famous temples in Malappuram district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Malappuram temples / mandir.

Alathiyur Hanuman Temple's primary deity is Lord Rama, but this temple is called as the Hanuman temple since the first step to go to lanka by the Vyau Puthra hanuman was planned and he jumped from here to Lanka. Here Hanuman is worshiped as well wisher. Lord Rama and Lakshmana are worshiped as Maryada Purushothaman. Lord Rama's concert is not seen with him since this temple was the place when they came to search of her abduction. Children's and youths used to jump from the exact stone where Hanuman took his first step to launch on Lanka.

Thirumandhamkunnu Bhagavathy Temple is mostly popular among the women hood, since it conduct a special ritual called the Manghalya Pooja. This pooja is believed to protect a married couple or give for life to the male partner if worshiped by married women. An unmarried woman can also pray for getting married soon for those who have marriage obstacles. Apart from Manghalya Pooja the Kalampattu, Rigveda Laksharchana and Chandattam are the other religious offering done here. This temple is worshiped as Thirumandhamkunnil Amma by its villagers.