Kheda Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Kheda District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Kheda, India. These Famous temples in Kheda district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Kheda temples / mandir.

There are five darshans in Ranchhodrai Temple namely Bal bhog, Gwal bhog, Mangla, Raj bhog and Srinagar bhog. During these darshans, aartis are performed. Although devotees can take darshan at any time when the temple is open, the timing in full moon day is quite different than usual days. The devotees can provide extra bhog to the deity of Ranchhodrai Temple and for such additional bhog they obtain Prasad. As a religious tradition, timpanists usually sit over the main entrance in a gallery of their own.

In Nadiad, Santram Maharaj decided to stay with nature. On that time, a trunk of a farmer named Poojabhai Patel became his residence. In that trunk, Santram Maharaj used to meditate. Throughout his lifespan, he demonstrated various miracles for people. Due to his magical power, Santram Maharaj soon become popular and devotees started to drop by that place and worship him. With countless number of devotees always adjoining him, Santram Maharaj decided to leave that place for lack of privacy for meditation.