Kamrup Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Kamrup District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Kamrup, India. These Famous temples in Kamrup district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Kamrup temples / mandir.

The Asvakranta Temple is located in North Guwahati in the state of Assam. The presiding deity of the temple is the revered Hindu god Lord Vishnu and is supposed to be one of the largest and significant Vishnu temples in the entire state of Assam. The temple is known to be situated on a rock-strewn section which comes in contact with the harbour of the popular Brahmaputra river. The temple is also enjoys a reputation for its magnificent scenic beauty.

The Hayagriva Madhava Temple is located on the top of the Monikut mountain. The mountain or the hill is located in Hajo which lies on the western side of Guwahati in the state of Assam. Hajo is considered to be quite an imperative pilgrimage hub in Assam for Buddhism, Islam and Hinduism.

The Kamakhya Temple is considered to be one of the most powerful Hindu temples. It is located on Nilachal Hill of Guwahati city in Assam. The temple is dedicated to Goddess Kamakhya in her ten different forms. It is one of the 108 Sakti peeths present in India that is different areas where parts of Devi Shaktis body had fallen. Kamakhya is the Goddess of love. Kama is a Sanskrit word for love making and is said that this is where Lord Shiva and Devi Shakti showed their love. It is also a famous tantric temple.

The state of Assam is stated to be a microcosm in the map of our country as from the ancient period individuals belonging from various creeds, races and cultures flocked and settled in Assam. The manifestation of the colonizers can be refracted in terms of the traditions, religion and also in the unearthed archaeological sites in the state at various times. It is believed that Aryan as well as Mongoloid source manipulated the culture of the state and this can be accounted to be the reason behind the resemblance shared between the Madan Kamdev sculptures and the ones found in the Khajuraho temples.

The Ugratara Temple has immense religious significance for being a Shakti shrine or Shakti Peeth and the presiding deity is goddess Ugratara who is stated to be just another representation of the famous goddess Parvati. The "Shakti Peethas" or rather the consecrated places related to cosmic power is those shrines or sites of worship sacred to the Hindu goddess Sati or Parvati. These places are located across the country and its subcontinent. Goddess Sati is said to be the embodiment of Parvati who is regarded as the goddess of marital gaiety, long life and most importantly harmony.

The presiding deity of this revered Hindu temple is Lord Shiva. The temple is believed to be one of the most visited shrines of the state. Lord Shiva is known and worshipped as Umananda in this particular temple. The mount on which the shrine has been constructed is known by the name of Bhasmacala which actually means the 'hill of ashes'. It is commonly believed that offering prayers to the deity on the day of new moon according to the Hindu calendar or the Amavasya day specifically which falls on the starting day of the week ensures maximum bliss.