Haridwar Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Haridwar District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Haridwar, India. These Famous temples in Haridwar district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Haridwar temples / mandir.

Chandi Devi is an incarnation of Goddess Parvathi. This goddess is worshiped as a Divine Mother and the Hindu women's profoundly worship her as Maa (Mother). Many comes her to get blessings from this Devi. It is also belived that the Chandi Devi enters in the womens body for few minutes and make her unconcious and dance at the temple plcace, this happen with those womes, who come with pure devotions. Such kind of womens dancing in a divie state is a common scene here.

This temple is called up in the name of Daksheswara, who was the father of Sathi Devi. Sathi is the original wife of lord Shiva. This is the divine place where the great Daksha Yagna by Daksheswara Prajapathi conducted in the ancient time. Here the importance is for the Sathi Devi and she is called as Maa. Many Shivites take pilgrimage in the Shravana Masa either the August month of every year. This is also visited by other sects of Hinduism.

Har Ki Pauri is the topmost Ghats built in the Himalayas before it entering to the plain lands of India. It is a famous holy Ghats like the Varanasi in Uttrapradesh. Rivers are always related with the Hinduism and River Ganges is also the primary river of such type which gives life to many. Taking a dip from this Ghats is believed to clear all your sins of live are what belief in Hinduism. The daily Ganga Arthi or the fire lamps tribute to the Goddess of river Ganges takes place daily since the ancient times.

Manasa literally means wishes; it is believed that Manasa Devi will bless her devotees to fulfill their wishes. It is a practices followed since the ancient times to tie a rope in the temple trees along with their prayers for a wish to happen. When such wishes are realized, the devotees once again visit this temple to remove the tied rope. The Hindus also consider her as the one of the Shakthi Peetha and she is adorned as Mother Goddess. Praying to a Mother God will always fulfill to its children's wishes.