Chikballapur Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Chikballapur District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Chikballapur, India. These Famous temples in Chikballapur district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Chikballapur temples / mandir.

It is one of the ancient temple to have the deity of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi together in a same temple. Hence, it became a major temple place for conduction temple marriages here. It was a pride for peoples getting married in the ancient grand stone mandapa. One the eve of Shiva Rathri many devotees gather here for the grand rituals performed here. This temple is conducting an annual festival, which is a great retreat for its local peoples. On the eve of new moon day many women devotees come here with various wishes to be fulfilled by the god's grace.