Chamarajanagar Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Chamarajanagar District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Chamarajanagar, India. These Famous temples in Chamarajanagar district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Chamarajanagar temples / mandir.

The devotees of lord Shiva is called as Shavicks in India. They are the regular worshipers and followers of customs and rituals as per Shiva Aradhan practiced from the ancient times. This temple is one of such important place for the Shiva aradhanas by many devotees. This temple does conduct regular pooja and chant mantras for Lord Shiva. This is worshiped by its local people's daily in the morning and the evening. This temple has his son Vinayaga which is believed to be an all in all wish fulfiller for its devotees.

Once a Sage lived here and meditated for a longer period of time. He was very much trusted by the tribal peoples living here. He also did many wonders and helped these villagers. There are many stories still spoken today that this Sage is alive in this mountain ranges. Many tribal's still believe that he was a devotee Lord Shiva and dedicated his life to him in the forest. The place where he mediated is the temple built here in his name and placing his favorite god's deity lord Shiva in this temple.