Belgaum Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Belgaum District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Belgaum, India. These Famous temples in Belgaum district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Belgaum temples / mandir.

Shri Veerabhadra Temple is an important pilgrim place for Shiviks. These devotees come here with a lot of customs on full moon and new moon days. Its local peoples used to worship here daily. This temple attracts lot of peoples on its festival time held in the month of November known as the Gudachi Jatre. This fair pulls peoples from Maharashtra too. This festival is a grand festival with lot of trade and entertainment activities included in it. The deities kept in this temple are ornate with gold jewels and looks magnificent along with fires and temple lamps.

Yellamma Devi is a patronage of Kali. It is worshiped by women's mostly. But this Devi is also a well wisher of all devotees. This Devi is known to be a powerful and visiting this temple with a strong devotion will bring all your wishes come true. The month of August is a great time for women's to visit this temple. Since, it is a month for women's to keep vreath and practice few customer rituals in this temple.