Ajmer Temples

List of Names & Information on Famous Hindu Temples in Ajmer District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old Hindu temples in Ajmer, India. These Famous temples in Ajmer district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Ajmer temples / mandir.

Jagpata Brahma Temple is almost 2000 years old and the temple is run by Sanyasi sect priesthood. The temple sanctum sonctorum has the idol of Mahapita Brahma and his second companion Gayatri. Lord Brahma is highly praised as in Hindu religion he is the sole creator of this universe and holds immense importance among the hindu deities. The idol of Brahma facing in all four directions shows Lord Supervision over his creation.

Savitri temple of Pushkar in Rajasthan is popularly known within the nation and rest of the world as the famous temple largely dedicated to Goddess Sarswathi. This particular Goddess graces each and every individual with learning skills and talents. Most of the people take their children for their initial step of leaning to begin from this temple after performing certain religious affairs in the form of poojas, homams and yagnas. The auspicious days and major and minor Hindu festive days are marked with special poojas with active participation of adherent devotees and pilgrims with a lot of dedication.