Inside of the Bagh-i-Alam has the western wall which has a mihrab. The eastern wall has the staircase to the top roof. The ceiling of the Gumbad has fragile skill work imprinted surrounded by red bands. Despite the fact that the crack of dawn streams in, all the way through the grilled windows and the assembly room is practically mysteriously dark. It houses three tombs within it, of which it is unsure whose tomb does it belong to, as per entrance to reach inside are basically locked. There is a small mosque of Lodhi-era wall which is octagonal crypt tower. The property has mirabs, and is five inches.
Self-effacingly sized minarets edge the central mihrab. The fortifications of the tomb are decorative. The mosque was built for the purpose of the prayers; somehow, it is not practiced in today's era. The mosque's moral fiber has developed a little rudimentary.
The tourist attractions of its outside yard are extraordinary and attractive to catch one's eyes, with the fallen leaves, impenetrable moss and mysterious tombs. The natives spread out grains on the mosque's base for the pigeons to nourish. The rays of the dawn fall on the grave.
The Gumbad of Bagh-i-Alam's configuration is built in with ordinary quarried mineral. The minerals used in are the red and grey mineral blocks which are built-in together to construct a conspicuous hodgepodge that later shows up with sunrays, giving the picture of overflowing with luminosity and sparkle. On the outside, the solitary compartment gives an appearance of being alienated into floors. The use of domed niches is placed on three levels. The niches on the ground level and contiguous to the access, performs as windows, while the rest are crammed in with the identical stone. The doorways are blocked to give a form of the elementary look. Vaulted windows subsist beyond the doorway and giving the exhibit of dramatic blue tiles.
Neighboring to the crypt is the delicate Qibla which has a huge courtyard meant to hold the devotees hurdle to it. The Qibla has five domed niches, which is rectangular shape. The middle tomb is the largest tomb in size as well as in the stature and the width.
Bagh-i-alam near to the Hauz khas and close to the Deer Park is the monument which belongs to the Pre-Mughal period, built in an archetypal Islamic structural design patronized by the Khilji, Tughlaq and Lodhi reign.
Being an important landmark and a historical attraction, Bagh I Alam is truly a wonder itself with outstanding architectural feature. Its noteworthy archetypal Islamic structural design depicts the genius of the art of the era, which is matchless and worth to visit now and then to relish the beauty that stands even today with the same valor and glory amid the modern architecture.