Vadodara Gurudwara: Famous Gurudwara in Vadodara

List of Names & Information on Famous Gurudwara in Vadodara District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old gurudwara in Vadodara, India. These famous gurudwara in Vadodara district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Vadodara gurudwara.

Similar to other gurudwaras, EME gurudwara has high religious significance. The Sikh officials along with other devotees take darshan of the gurudwara every day. They throw prayers regularly and worship the deities in order to fulfil their objectives and wishes. It also celebrates several major festivals such as Diwali and Guru Nanak Jayanti among others. On these occasions, the gurudwara building is decorated with flowers and lamps.

Guru Nanak, to whom Nanakwadi Sahib is is dedicated, believed that people are distracted from devotion towards god because of material desires which only provides deceptive satisfaction. Guru Nanak focussed on worldly lures as a reference to illusoriness. In Sikhism, the impact of ego, anger, greed, affection and desireare regarded as the five important harms to be particularly malevolent which separate human from god.