Ludhiana Gurudwara: Famous Gurudwara in Ludhiana

List of Names & Information on Famous Gurudwara in Ludhiana District

Here you can find list of names and information (like history, architecture & facts) on ancient / old gurudwara in Ludhiana, India. These famous gurudwara in Ludhiana district are most visited and most sought after best tourist places. You can also find photos of Ludhiana gurudwara.

In recent times, the village has become popular mainly because of the dedication of Sant Kishan Singh Ji and Sant Isher Singh Ji. It is to be remembered that on the wholehearted request of Sardar Gian Singh Rarewala, they had decided to stay in the village Rara Sahib and had in a successful manner made this desolate place their perfect abode. Later, a huge Gurdwara complex called as Gurdwara Karamsar was successfully built besides this holy village.

According to the history of Sikhism, Guru Gobind Singh Ji in a successful manner reached the village named Alamgir after the martyrdom of his own mother and four sons by Mughals. It is to be noted that the Guru in the robes of Pir of Uchch had arrived here. He was carried in a palanquin by two Afgan brothers named Ghani Khan and Nabi Khan plus accompanied by three followers named Bhai Daya Singh, Dharam Singh and Man Singh. The thirsty Guru Ji asked an old lady who was gathering cow dung for some water to drink and take bath.

Gurdwara Mehdiana Sahib is under private ownership status. At preset, it is in dilapidated statues due to a lack of funds mainly resulting from its isolated location in this region. This Gurudwara is surrounded by natural water reservoir or the Dhaab, birds and trees plus greenery. It is popular with pilgrims. This religious spot has many monuments that largely depict important events in Sikh history with a lot of perfection.