No Smoking Day

Detailed Information about No Smoking Day & Its Importance

Half of the population in this planet is addicted to cigarette smoking. Although smokers are aware that cigarette is not at all good for their health yet they smoke ignoring the danger sign mentioned in the cigarette packet. It becomes almost impossible for people to quit this dangerous habit once they are addicted to it. But there are well wishers of these cigarette smokers and they take their time and energy to observe a day called the 'No Smoking day' in order to encourage all those who want to quit smoking. This event is organized usually on the second Wednesday of March. The first ever No smoking day was held in 1984 on an Ash Wednesday in United Kingdom. This initiation took place to help all those people who were addicted to smoking but they wanted to get rid of this ugly habit. Ever since that first event No Smoking day has been successfully being organized all over the world now and has become an annual event. Lots of people take part in it all over the globe. Men, women and children especially the younger generations (students) show great enthusiasm and vigor during the event. The organizers come up with a theme every year of the event so that the festival becomes more exciting and is a nice way also to popularize it more. In 2010 the theme of the event was 'Break Free' and the logo was a picture of hands breaking a chain of cigarettes.

The main activity seen during the event of No Smoking day is encouraging people to quit smoking. All those who want to quit this dangerous habit a safe and supportive environment is created for them so that it becomes a lot easier for them to do what they truly want. There are seminars and session and workshops held where the members of the event educate people about the ill effects smoking can cause on one's health. They are given a lot of creative ideas as to how they can quit smoking. Another important message they sent across is that smoking not only deteriorates their health but also of their loved ones and close ones who see them day in and out. It could be their partner, children, parents, etc. This has proven to be of great help since many smokers if not worry about their health they do care for the health of their children and partners. In United Kingdom this day becomes the foremost public health event and also in many other nations. The event will see some of the professionals such as doctors, dietician and nutritionists who take active part in counseling and advising the people present there.

A lot of big celebrities also take part in the event to encourage their fans to give up on smoking. A lot of other non smokers are also allowed to be a part of this great event for they can also learn as to how they can help smokers quit it by creating the much needed environment and giving the support instead being harsh on them.