Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti

Detailed Information about Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti & Its Importance

Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati Jayanti is a day kept by the Indian in commemoration of the birthday of the great prophet, leader and social transformer Swami Dayanand. Swami Dayanand is one among the great persons of the 21st century who lived a life to the full for the good and well-being of the society. Whose death and birth are recognised by the whole world and is kept in memory in one way or other. Dayanand Saraswati festival is a festival kept by the Hindu community in honour of this great spiritual leader and social transformer.

Swami Dayanand Saraswati was the founder of the Hindu Arya Samaj. He is one among the brave Indians who came forward to put the minds of the society into the straight path from the false believes and superstition. He propagated egalitarian approach of the ancient old Vedas which spread casteism and later established gurukuls to impart the true vedic education. Thus he removes the old practice of casteism which have pervaded in the minds of people all across the globe and brought a society that is completely free from casteism. For these he is venerated by all not only the Indian but also by the whole world. He is considered as the pedagogue of wisdom and his teaching is pervaded in almost every nook and corners of the world.

Swamiji is one among the great heros of the 19th century who is ready to give up his own life for the good of the society and his people. His aim was to make people follow the true religion, true teaching and practice of the ancient Vedas. He was very much against the old practice and customs of the Hindu religion. According to him the practice of idol worship and polytheism of social stigmas like casteism and untouchability along the traditional practice of child marriage and many other evil practices of the Hindu customs we can say which are unfair yet are followed and trace down from the ancestry are all meaningless and oppressive and so it should be drop out from the practice and customs.

He went straight back to the old Vedas leaving the practice of Hinduism which had been divided in between the schools of philosophy and theology and started preaching the true Vedas of the olden times. His main message which says back to the Vedas plays the bedrock of all his thoughts and action. He is not only a social reformer but also a man of superior spirituality and personality. His works and teaching clearly reflects his inner divinity and clear consciousness that personifies in his deeds. We can say he is a man of God pawn by the almighty God and that's the reason why till today even after his death his birthday is observed by millions signifying his omnipresent.