Following on the footsteps of the third guru of the Sikhs guru Amar Das, Ramdas became the fourth guru of the Sikhs. About 11 days in advance to guru ramdas ji's birthday the people can be seen hosting an assembly called sangat in which everyday someone special is invited to the house. During this time the rehiras is done and people sing the shabad of dhan dhan ramdas guru for about 31 minutes. After the kirtan the tradition is usually that the person inviting the guests tells the life history of the sikh guru ramdas which is to be heard by the family and the guests. After the story telling is over the favourite part of most of the Sikhs arrives which is the food. This continues for the coming days till the arrival of the birth date of the guru.
The gurudwaras are filled with the crowds offering the prayer services during these days and the gurudwaras also play the shabad of guru Ramdas during the amrit vela, which is the time at 4 am in the morning at the dusk that continues till about 6:30. The atmosphere gets filled up with the high energy with the chanting of the guru vani and the lightning of the lights that brighten up the whole ambience and that bring in a sheer peace to the senses.
In the holy book of the Sikhs, the guru granth 688 hymns are dedicated to guru ramdas ji. He was a guru full of wisdom and enlightenment who not only wrpte poems of high merit which later were included in The Guru Granth Sahib by his son and the next of the sikh gurus, Guru Arjan Dev but also founded the new city of Amritsar. He was a true preacher of the love, brotherhood, devotion, truthfulness and the charity. The messages which he delivered to the Sikh community were very much simple to reach to the common man's heart and very much simple to understand that could invoke the most sensitive chords of the human soul. his preachings pointed towards the direction of all the positive energy towards the selfless deeds and the devotion towards the guru and the god. The Guru Ramdas Jayanti is a noble way to remember the greatness of a great soul.