Unakite Gemstone Crystal Meaning, Properties & Benefits

Unakite MineralUnakite Stone

Unakite Crystal / Stone Meaning, Properties & Benefits

Physical Properties of Unakite Stone / Crystal

Chemical Formula:
Chemical Composition:
Crystal System:
Lustre: Pearly
Transparency: Opaque
Colour: Mixture of green, yellow-green and pink
Streak: Colorless
Hardness: 6.5 - 7 on Mohs scale
Cleavage: Irregular
Fracture: uneven
Density: 2.55 - 2.85
Refractive Index: 1.525 - 1.760

Properties of Unakite Stone / Crystal

Unakite is a balancing stone that is made up of three minerals - green epidote, pink fieldspar and quartz. It helps to create a balance in all aspects of life, be it emotional, spiritual or mental. This in turn will help you to ensure that all aspects of your life are well centred and balanced. It will support your growth by releasing all the blockages of energy that might have been hampering your development and advancement. This will ensure that you get to enjoy your present instead of clinging on to your past.

Unakite Stone Healing Properties

The pink fieldspar present in this stone helps your realize your self-worth and makes your believe in yourself. You will love yourself for what you are instead of regretting on what you are not. Anyone who loves themselves will automatically attract the love of others. It will heal all your self-depreciation and will make you believe in yourself.

Unakite Special Properties, Uses & Benefits

This stone is very special which has many uses. Besides bringing in the confidence in you it alsohas many medical benefits. It is believed to be beneficial for the female reproductive system, especially during pregnancy. It is also highly beneficial for those people who are recovering from major illness or convalescing. It is also believed that if you place this stone in a room, either a large piece or as several small tumble stones in a bowl, it will fill the room with calming energy. It also has properties that will reduce the effects of electromagnetic smog.

Unakite Found in Countries / Locations of World

Unakite gemstones / crystals are found in some of the countries of world are: Brazil, China, Sierra Leone, South Africa, USA