Snowflake Obsidian Gemstone Crystal Meaning, Properties & Benefits

Snowflake Obsidian MineralSnowflake Obsidian Stone

Snowflake Obsidian Crystal / Stone Meaning, Properties & Benefits

Physical Properties of Snowflake Obsidian Stone / Crystal

Chemical Formula: SiO2
Chemical Composition: Silicon Dioxide
Crystal System: Amorphous
Lustre: Vitreous
Transparency: Translucent
Colour: Usually black with white patches
Streak: white
Hardness: 5 - 6 on Mohs scale
Tenacity: Brittle
Cleavage: None
Fracture: Conchoidal
Density: 2.33 - 3.00
Refractive Index: 1.450 to 1.550

Properties of Snowflake Obsidian Stone / Crystal

This stone is a variety of black Obsidian which appears like Snowflake spread on a black surface. This stone is believed to possess restful and serene energy which helps to create a balance between the mind and the body. It makes you aware of your inner reflections which in turn makes you aware of all your negative energies and thus helps you get rid of them. It makes you aware of all the negativity in you like your negative patterns of thought, unhealthy behaviour etc which gives you a chance to work on them. This can be very helpful in making your character and personality stronger.

Snowflake Obsidian Stone Healing Properties

This stone has many healing properties which can be of great use. It protects you from all the negativity and grief. It makes you feel light and happy when you get rid of all the tensions and stress in life. It is also believed to be helpful in circulation of blood and is also beneficial for the skin and the veins. When you keep it on a sacral hara chakra, it will calm you down and soothe you, thus allowing you to reflect on all your negative behaviours and providing you a chance to change.

Snowflake Obsidian Special Properties, Uses & Benefits

This is a very special stone which has many uses. It is used to enhance the ability to reach your inner self. It is used to relieve muscle cramps and is also helpful in detoxification. It is one of the earliest known stone to mankind.

Snowflake Obsidian Found in Countries / Locations of World

Snowflake Obsidian gemstones / crystals are found in some of the countries of world are: Argentina, USA