Larimar Gemstone Crystal Meaning, Properties & Benefits

Larimar MineralLarimar Stone

Larimar Crystal / Stone Meaning, Properties & Benefits

Physical Properties of Larimar Stone / Crystal

Chemical Formula: NaCa2Si3O8(OH)
Chemical Composition: Sodium, Calcium, Silicon, Hydrogen, Oxygen
Crystal System: Triclinic
Lustre: Silky
Transparency: Translucent to opaque
Colour: Blue, bluish-white, white, gray
Streak: White
Hardness: 5 on Mohs Scale
Tenacity: Brittle
Cleavage: 2,2
Fracture: Splintery - Thin
Density: 2.74 - 2.90
Refractive Index: 1.59 - 1.65

Properties of Larimar Stone / Crystal

Larimar is a subtle, soft aqua blue of the Caribbean Sea, found in a stone. Larimar is a sporadic form of pectolile. It occurs in a monoclinic crystal structure with a hardness of about 7 Mohs. It is a unique gemstone due to its mineral and chemical composition. The omnipresence of copper imparts it a turquoise colour.

Larimar Stone Healing properties

It has the endowment to lie in the dexterity to succor us to view events from a different envision that we have already formed. It appeases your physical and mental well-being. It divulges and also counter balances the emotional and your mental balance. It harmonizes your all the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of your body. As a subtle, soft turquoise Caribbean healer it brings the placidity of the sea and the soothing breeze to the heart and mind. It outturns a serene effect and cheers the hurt, abhorrence, grief of your life, ups and down of life and trauma in an explicit way. It alleviates self- expression, patience, acceptance, simplicity, creativity in yourselves.

Larimar Special Properties, Uses & Benefits

It outturns a soothing effect and draws out inflammation from the body. Hence it reduces the body temperature and cures fever. It also serves as gratuity for the treatment of sunburn. It is symbiotic in regenerating creativity. It eases you in stress and blossoms your heart with the charm of happiness. It symbolises peace and lucidity and it outturns radiations of love and invigorating energy and highly preferred for people in stress and trauma.

Larimar Found in Countries / Locations of World

Larimar gemstones / crystals are found in some of the countries of world are: Barahona in Dominican Republic