Latin Boy Names Starting With A (List 3)

Arrival of a new baby is cause for celebration and happiness. It is beginning of new chapter your life. Our warm wishes for all the love and happiness in your life.

Check our list of names for Latin boy names starting with A letter with meaning for your loved ones.

Explore our list and get the right one for your little kid.

Latin Baby Boy Names That Start With A Letter & Meaning (List 3)

Let's checkout below list, what are the Latinbabyboy names starting with A letter with meaning and usage.
Name M/F Meaning
Anaximander Boy Name Anaximander Meaning : Name Of A Greek Philosopher

Used in : German, Greek, Latin
Anaximenes Boy Name Anaximenes Meaning : Name Of A Greek Philosopher

Used in : Greek, Latin
Anchises Boy Name Anchises Meaning : In greek meaning is : Father of Aeneas in ancient Greek mythology.

Used in : Greek, Latin
Ancile Boy Name Ancile Meaning : A King Of Rome

Used in : Latin
Andagellus Boy Name Andagellus Meaning :

Used in : British, English, Latin
Andes Boy Name Andes Meaning :

Used in : Latin, Latin
Andoni Boy Name Andoni Meaning : Beyond Praise

Used in : Australian, Basque, French, Latin
Andonios Boy Name Andonios Meaning : Variant Of Anthony: Worthy Of Praise, Of Value. Saint Anthony Is The Patron Sain Of Poor People. Famous Bearer: Actor Anthony Hopkins

Used in : Australian, Greek, Latin
Andonis Boy Name Andonis Meaning : In english meaning is : Variant of Andrew: Brave

Used in : Australian, British, English, Greek, Latin
Andre Boy Name Andre Meaning : Masculine.

Used in : American, African, Australian, Chinese, Basque, French, Latin, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Jamaican, Latin, Netherlands, Portuguese, Swiss, Australian, Basque, Dutch
Andreas Boy Name Andreas Meaning : Masculine.

Used in : American, African, Australian, Chinese, British, French, German, Greek, Latin, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Irish, Jamaican, Latin, Slovenian, Swedish, Swiss, Australian, Dutch
Andres Boy Name Andres Meaning : In American meaning is : Manly

Used in : American, Australian, Chinese, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Australian
Andrew Boy Name Andrew Meaning : Manly

Used in : American, African, Australian, Chinese, British, Czechoslovakian, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Irish, Jamaican, Latin, Portuguese, Scottish, Swedish, American, Australian, Chinese
Andrion Boy Name Andrion Meaning : Of The Adriatic

Used in : French, German, Latin
Andro Boy Name Andro Meaning : In greek meaning is : Masculine.

Used in : Australian, French, Greek, Latin
Andronicus Boy Name Andronicus Meaning : In biblical meaning is : A man excelling others.

Used in : Australian, Biblical, French, Latin
Anfernee Boy Name Anfernee Meaning :

Used in : American, Australian, Latin
Angel Boy Name Angel Meaning : In American meaning is : Messenger

Used in : American, Hindu, British, Greek, Latin, Swedish, Danish, English, French, German, Greek, Latin, Spanish, American, British, Dutch, English
Anguis Boy Name Anguis Meaning : Dragon

Used in : Latin
Anian Boy Name Anian Meaning :

Used in : French, Latin
Anianus Boy Name Anianus Meaning : In portuguese meaning is : Latin form of the Greek name Anianos(Distress)

Used in : French, Gothic, Latin, Portuguese
Anibal Boy Name Anibal Meaning : In greek meaning is : Graced by God.

Used in : American, Chinese, French, Greek, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish
Anntoin Boy Name Anntoin Meaning : Beyond Price, Invaluable.

Used in : Irish, Latin
Anselmo Boy Name Anselmo Meaning : In American meaning is : Divine protection

Used in : American, Australian, Chinese, British, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish
Antal Boy Name Antal Meaning : Beyond Praise

Used in : Australian, Latin
Antanas Boy Name Antanas Meaning : Beyond Praise

Used in : Australian, Latin
Antanelis Boy Name Antanelis Meaning : Beyond Praise

Used in : Latin
Antanukas Boy Name Antanukas Meaning : Beyond Praise

Used in : Latin
Ante Boy Name Ante Meaning : Beyond Praise

Used in : Australian, Danish, Finnish, German, Latin, Swedish
Antenor Boy Name Antenor Meaning : An Elder Of Troy

Used in : Greek, Latin, Shakespearean
Anteros Boy Name Anteros Meaning : In greek meaning is : Mutual love.

Used in : Greek, Latin
Anthonee Boy Name Anthonee Meaning :

Used in : Latin
Anthoney Boy Name Anthoney Meaning :

Used in : American, Australian, Latin
Anthonie Boy Name Anthonie Meaning : In Swedish meaning is : Priceless

Used in : Australian, British, French, Dutch, English, Latin, Swedish, Danish
Anthonio Boy Name Anthonio Meaning : In portuguese meaning is : Highly praised, Priceless

Used in : Danish, German, Latin, Portuguese, Swedish
Anthony Boy Name Anthony Meaning : Priceless, Invaluable, Beyond Price.

Used in : American, African, Australian, Chinese, British, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Irish, Jamaican, Italian, Latin, Swiss, American, Australian, Chinese
Antilochus Boy Name Antilochus Meaning : In greek meaning is : Son of Nestor.

Used in : Greek, Latin
Antin Boy Name Antin Meaning : Diminutive Of Anthony: Worthy Of Praise, Of Value. Saint Anthony Is The Patron Sain Of Poor People. Famous Bearer: Actor Anthony Hopkins , Beyond Price, Invaluable.

Used in : Latin
Antiphates Boy Name Antiphates Meaning : In greek meaning is : A cyclops.

Used in : Greek, Latin
Antisthenes Boy Name Antisthenes Meaning : Name Of A Philosopher

Used in : Greek, Latin
Antoin Boy Name Antoin Meaning : Beyond Praise

Used in : Australian, Irish, Latin
Antoine Boy Name Antoine Meaning : Beyond Price, Invaluable.

Used in : American, African, Australian, Chinese, British, French, Greek, Latin, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Irish, Jamaican, Latin, Swiss, Australian
Antoinius Boy Name Antoinius Meaning :

Used in : French, Latin
Anton Boy Name Anton Meaning : Beyond Price, Invaluable.

Used in : American, Australian, Chinese, British, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Latin, Netherlands, Portuguese, Romanian, Scandinavian, Slavic, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Swiss
Antone Boy Name Antone Meaning : Variant Of Anthony: Worthy Of Praise, Of Value. Saint Anthony Is The Patron Sain Of Poor People. Famous Bearer: Actor Anthony Hopkins , Beyond Price, Invaluable.

Used in : American, Australian, Chinese, Latin
Antonello Boy Name Antonello Meaning : Variant Of Anthony: Worthy Of Praise, Of Value. Saint Anthony Is The Patron Sain Of Poor People. Famous Bearer: Actor Anthony Hopkins , Beyond Price, Invaluable.

Used in : Australian, French, German, Italian, Latin, Australian
Antoney Boy Name Antoney Meaning : Variant Of Anthony: Worthy Of Praise, Of Value. Saint Anthony Is The Patron Sain Of Poor People. Famous Bearer: Actor Anthony Hopkins , Beyond Price, Invaluable.

Used in : Australian, Latin
Antoni Boy Name Antoni Meaning : Beyond Price, Invaluable.

Used in : Australian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Latin, Polish, Swedish
Antonin Boy Name Antonin Meaning : Beyond Price, Invaluable.

Used in : Australian, Czechoslovakian, French, German, Latin, Polish
Antonino Boy Name Antonino Meaning : Beyond Price, Invaluable.

Used in : Australian, German, Italian, Latin, Australian
Antoninus Boy Name Antoninus Meaning :

Used in : French, Latin
Antonio Boy Name Antonio Meaning : Beyond Price, Invaluable.

Used in : American, African, Australian, Chinese, British, French, Italian, Danish, English, French, German, Greek, Jamaican, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Shakespearean, Spanish, Swedish, Swiss, Australian
Antonios Boy Name Antonios Meaning :

Used in : Australian, Greek, Latin
Antonius Boy Name Antonius Meaning : Variant Of Anthony: Worthy Of Praise, Of Value. Saint Anthony Is The Patron Sain Of Poor People. Famous Bearer: Actor Anthony Hopkins , Beyond Price, Invaluable.

Used in : Australian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin, Polish, Slovenian, Swedish, Australian
Antoniy Boy Name Antoniy Meaning : Beyond Praise

Used in : Latin
Antons Boy Name Antons Meaning : Variant Of Anthony: Worthy Of Praise, Of Value. Saint Anthony Is The Patron Sain Of Poor People. Famous Bearer: Actor Anthony Hopkins , Beyond Price, Invaluable.

Used in : Latin
Antony Boy Name Antony Meaning : Beyond Price, Invaluable.

Used in : American, Australian, Chinese, British, French, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Australian
Antos Boy Name Antos Meaning : Diminutive Of Anthony: Worthy Of Praise, Of Value. Saint Anthony Is The Patron Sain Of Poor People. Famous Bearer: Actor Anthony Hopkins

Used in : Latin
Antton Boy Name Antton Meaning : In finnish meaning is : Praiseworthy

Used in : Basque, Finnish, French, Latin
Apelles Boy Name Apelles Meaning :

Used in : Greek, Latin, Biblical
Apollo Boy Name Apollo Meaning : In greek meaning is : Manly; In classical myth, Apollo is the god who drives ghe sun across the sky in a carriage, and rules over healing and prophecy.

Used in : Australian, Arthurian - Legend, German, Greek, Danish, French, Greek, Italian, Latin
Apollodorus Boy Name Apollodorus Meaning : Name Of A Greek Writer

Used in : Latin
Aquila Boy Name Aquila Meaning : An Eagle.

Used in : Australian, British, German, English, French, Latin, Biblical, British, English
Aquilino Boy Name Aquilino Meaning : Eagle

Used in : Australian, French, Latin, Spanish
Aquilla Boy Name Aquilla Meaning : An Eagle.

Used in : Latin
Arar Boy Name Arar Meaning : From The Arar

Used in : Latin
Araris Boy Name Araris Meaning : From The Arar

Used in : Latin
Aratus Boy Name Aratus Meaning : Name Of A Greek Author

Used in : Greek, Latin
Arber Boy Name Arber Meaning : In french meaning is : Dealer of herbs

Used in : Australian, French, Latin
Arbor Boy Name Arbor Meaning : Sells Herbs

Used in : Latin
Arcadio Boy Name Arcadio Meaning :

Used in : Chinese, French, Latin
Arcambaldus Boy Name Arcambaldus Meaning :

Used in : French, German, Latin
Arcas Boy Name Arcas Meaning : In greek meaning is : In Greek mythology; Arcas was the son of Jupiter and Callisto and son of Zeus.

Used in : Greek, Latin
Archaimbaud Boy Name Archaimbaud Meaning : In french meaning is : Bold

Used in : French, German, Latin
Archer Boy Name Archer Meaning : In American meaning is : Bowman

Used in : American, Anglo, Australian, British, English, French, German, Jamaican, Latin
Archimedes Boy Name Archimedes Meaning : In greek meaning is : To think about first.

Used in : Greek, Latin
Arcitenens Boy Name Arcitenens Meaning : Archer

Used in : Latin
Ard Boy Name Ard Meaning : Burning With Enthusiasm

Used in : Biblical, Danish, Dutch, German, Latin
Ardan Boy Name Ardan Meaning : In irish meaning is : Aspiration

Used in : Australian, Celtic, Irish, Latin
Ardell Boy Name Ardell Meaning : In American meaning is : From the hare's dell

Used in : American, Chinese, British, English, Latin, American, Chinese
Arden Boy Name Arden Meaning : Burning With Enthusiasm

Used in : American, Australian, Chinese, British, Jamaican, Latin, English, Jamaican, Latin, American
Ardere Boy Name Ardere Meaning :

Used in : Latin, Latin
Ardin Boy Name Ardin Meaning : Burning With Enthusiasm

Used in : Irish, Latin, Irish, Latin
Ardmore Boy Name Ardmore Meaning : Ardent, More Zealous.

Used in : Latin, Teutonic
Ardy Boy Name Ardy Meaning : Burning With Enthusiasm

Used in : Latin
Aredius Boy Name Aredius Meaning :

Used in : Hebrew, French, Latin
Ares Boy Name Ares Meaning : A Ram. Also The Greek God Of War.

Used in : Australian, Parsi, French, Greek, Latin
Arese Boy Name Arese Meaning : A Ram. Also The Greek God Of War.

Used in : Latin
Argenteus Boy Name Argenteus Meaning :

Used in : Latin
Argus Boy Name Argus Meaning : In greek meaning is : Watchful; Vigilant guardian.In greek myth, a creature with 100 eyes, Later changed into a peacock with eyes on his tail-feathers.

Used in : Australian, Greek, Latin, Scandinavian
Aries Boy Name Aries Meaning : A Ram. Also The Greek God Of War.

Used in : Australian, Gaelic, Greek, Irish, Latin
Ariese Boy Name Ariese Meaning : A Ram. Also The Greek God Of War.

Used in : Latin
Ariobananes Boy Name Ariobananes Meaning : Name Of A King

Used in : Latin
Arion Boy Name Arion Meaning : In greek meaning is : Musician.

Used in : Australian, Hebrew, Dutch, Greek, Latin
Aristarchus Boy Name Aristarchus Meaning : In biblical meaning is : The best prince.

Used in : Biblical, Greek, Latin
Aristophanes Boy Name Aristophanes Meaning : Name Of A Poet

Used in : Greek, Latin
Aristoteles Boy Name Aristoteles Meaning : Latin Form Of Aristotle

Used in : Australian, Latin
Arley Boy Name Arley Meaning : The Bow Man

Used in : American, Anglo, Australian, Chinese, British, English, Jamaican, Latin, Australian
Arlo Boy Name Arlo Meaning : In American meaning is : Fortified hill

Used in : American, Australian, Chinese, British, English, Italian, Latin, Spanish
Armagilius Boy Name Armagilius Meaning :

Used in : French, Latin
Hope this list is satisfactory to your expectations. We are constantly working in compilation of names and really hope this list for Latin baby boy names that start with A letter with meaning is right for your little ones.