The baby name "Keela" belong to (म्रृगशीर्षा) Mrigashirsha nakshatra. Followings are the facts related Keela's Mrigashirsha nakshatra
Gender : Neutral
Translation : Deer's Head or Benevolent
Symbol : Antelope's head
Animal Symbol : Female Serpent
Presiding Deity : Soma - the Moon God
Ruling Lord : Mars
Nature : Devas (God-like)
Dosha : Pitta
Guna : Tamasic
Element : Earth
Disposition : Soft, Mild, Tender (Mridu)
Indian / Vedic zodiac: 23° 20' Vrishabha - 6° 40' Mithun
Western zodiac: 19°20' Gemini - 2°40' Cancer
Other name options, having Mrigashirsha nakshatra are the name starting with : Ve, We, Vo, Wo, Ka, Kaa, Ki, Kee, Kru (Hindi / Sanskrit / Devanagari Pronunciation वे, वो, का, की).
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You may find similar word(s) in English for different Hindi / Sanskrit / Devanagari Pronunciation. So Baby name "Keela" may fall under Punarvasu Nakshatra.

The baby name "Keela" belong to (पुनर्वसु) Punarvasu nakshatra. Followings are the facts related Keela's Punarvasu nakshatra
Gender : Female
Translation : Good Again or Wealthy Again
Symbol : Bow and Quiver of Arrows
Animal Symbol : Female Cat
Presiding Deity : Aditi - the Goddess of Harvest
Ruling Lord : Jupiter
Nature : Devas (God-like)
Dosha : Vata
Guna : Satwic
Element : Water
Disposition : Movable (Chara)
Indian / Vedic zodiac: 20° Mithun - 3°20' Karka
Western zodiac: 16° - 29°20' Cancer
Other name options, having Punarvasu nakshatra are the name starting with : Ke, Kae, Kay Ko, Ha, Haa, Hi, Hee, Hr (Hindi / Sanskrit / Devanagari Pronunciation के, को, हा, ही, हृ).
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