Boy Names Starting with P and Ending With S (List 7)

Expecting a new baby or new one have just arrived in your home!! With all love and prayers, many many congratulations on your new bundle of joy.

View our compilation of Boy Names starting with P and ending with S for your kid.

Baby Boy Names That Start with P and End With S (List 7)

Name M/F Meaning
Polydozous Boy Name Polydozous Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Polyeides Boy Name Polyeides Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Polyeidus Boy Name Polyeidus Meaning : A Seer.

Used in : Greek, Latin
Polygonus Boy Name Polygonus Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Polyhronis Boy Name Polyhronis Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Polykarpos Boy Name Polykarpos Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Polykleitos Boy Name Polykleitos Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Polykles Boy Name Polykles Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Polykritos Boy Name Polykritos Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Polymedes Boy Name Polymedes Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Polyneices Boy Name Polyneices Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Polynices Boy Name Polynices Meaning : Uncle Of Oedipus.

Used in : Greek
Polyphemous Boy Name Polyphemous Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Polyphemus Boy Name Polyphemus Meaning : Son Of Poseidon.

Used in : Greek
Polyphetes Boy Name Polyphetes Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Polyphontes Boy Name Polyphontes Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Polypoetes Boy Name Polypoetes Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Polyvios Boy Name Polyvios Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Polyxeinus Boy Name Polyxeinus Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Polyzois Boy Name Polyzois Meaning :

Used in : Australian, Greek
Polyzos Boy Name Polyzos Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Pompeius Boy Name Pompeius Meaning :

Used in : French
Poncius Boy Name Poncius Meaning :

Used in : British, English, French
Pons Boy Name Pons Meaning :

Used in : Dutch, French, Latin
Ponteus Boy Name Ponteus Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Pontianus Boy Name Pontianus Meaning : Man From Pontia

Used in : Finnish
Pontius Boy Name Pontius Meaning : Marine, Belonging To The Sea.

Used in : Biblical, Finnish, French, Latin
Ponttius Boy Name Ponttius Meaning : Bridge

Used in : Finnish
Pontus Boy Name Pontus Meaning : Sea

Used in : Finnish, Greek, Swedish, Biblical
Porfirios Boy Name Porfirios Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Porivs Boy Name Porivs Meaning :

Used in : British, English
Porphirios Boy Name Porphirios Meaning : Purple Stone.

Used in : Greek
Porphyrios Boy Name Porphyrios Meaning :

Used in : Australian, Greek
Porphyrius Boy Name Porphyrius Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Portumnus Boy Name Portumnus Meaning : A God The Sea

Used in : Latin
Posides Boy Name Posides Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Posidonios Boy Name Posidonios Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Poss Boy Name Poss Meaning :

Used in : British, English
Posthumus leonatus Boy Name Posthumus leonatus Meaning :

Used in : Shakespearean
Potheinos Boy Name Potheinos Meaning :

Used in : French, Greek
Pothinus Boy Name Pothinus Meaning :

Used in : French, Greek, Latin
Potitus Boy Name Potitus Meaning :

Used in : Celtic
Potomarus Boy Name Potomarus Meaning :

Used in : Celtic
Poulus Boy Name Poulus Meaning :

Used in : Danish
Povilas Boy Name Povilas Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Povylas Boy Name Povylas Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Powles Boy Name Powles Meaning :

Used in : Dutch
Prabhas Boy Name Prabhas Meaning : Brilliance, Light

Used in : Hindu
Prabhdas Boy Name Prabhdas Meaning : Slave Of God.

Used in : Sikh
Prabhjas Boy Name Prabhjas Meaning : Lord's Praises.

Used in : Sikh
Prabhras Boy Name Prabhras Meaning : Nectar Of God's Love.

Used in : Sikh
Prachetas Boy Name Prachetas Meaning : Healthy, Wealthy, Wise And INTELLIGENT

Used in : Hindu
Prades Boy Name Prades Meaning :

Used in : French
Praejectus Boy Name Praejectus Meaning :

Used in : French, Latin
Praetextatus Boy Name Praetextatus Meaning :

Used in : French
Pragadhees Boy Name Pragadhees Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Prahas Boy Name Prahas Meaning : A person who has a lot of qualities. An upright individual

Used in : Marathi
Prailes Boy Name Prailes Meaning :

Used in : Hindu
Pranas Boy Name Pranas Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Prancisfus Boy Name Prancisfus Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Prasutagus Boy Name Prasutagus Meaning : Name Of A King

Used in : Anglo, British, Celtic, English
Pratinos Boy Name Pratinos Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Pratyus Boy Name Pratyus Meaning : Before Morning

Used in : Hindu
Praves Boy Name Praves Meaning :

Used in : Thai
Praxilaus Boy Name Praxilaus Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Praxis Boy Name Praxis Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Praxiteles Boy Name Praxiteles Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Praxites Boy Name Praxites Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Precis Boy Name Precis Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Prembans Boy Name Prembans Meaning : Belonging To The Family Of Holy Ones.

Used in : Sikh
Premnivaas Boy Name Premnivaas Meaning : One Whose Abode Is God's Love.

Used in : Sikh
Premras Boy Name Premras Meaning : Imbued In The Lord's Love.

Used in : Sikh
Prentis Boy Name Prentis Meaning : Apprentice

Used in : British, English
Prentiss Boy Name Prentiss Meaning : Apprentice Or Learner

Used in : American, Australian, British, English, Australian
Prexinos Boy Name Prexinos Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Priamus Boy Name Priamus Meaning :

Used in : British, English
Priapus Boy Name Priapus Meaning : God Of Fertility.

Used in : Greek, Latin
Primus Boy Name Primus Meaning : First

Used in : American, African, Australian, Finnish, German, Swedish
Principius Boy Name Principius Meaning :

Used in : French
Prinetadas Boy Name Prinetadas Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Pris Boy Name Pris Meaning :

Used in : English, Latin, Latin, British
Priscus Boy Name Priscus Meaning :

Used in : French, German, Latin
Priskos Boy Name Priskos Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Privatus Boy Name Privatus Meaning :

Used in : French, Latin
Probus Boy Name Probus Meaning : In Swedish meaning is : Honest

Used in : French, Latin, Swedish
Prochorus Boy Name Prochorus Meaning : He That Presides Over The Choirs.

Used in : Biblical
Procopis Boy Name Procopis Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Procopius Boy Name Procopius Meaning :

Used in : French, Greek
Procrustes Boy Name Procrustes Meaning : Stretcher.

Used in : Greek
Proctus Boy Name Proctus Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Proculeius Boy Name Proculeius Meaning :

Used in : Shakespearean
Prodos Boy Name Prodos Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Prodromos Boy Name Prodromos Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Prodromous Boy Name Prodromous Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Proetus Boy Name Proetus Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Proinnsias Boy Name Proinnsias Meaning : Free One, French One

Used in : Irish, Teutonic
Proinseas Boy Name Proinseas Meaning : Little Frenchman

Used in : Irish
Proinsias Boy Name Proinsias Meaning : Frank.

Used in : Gaelic, Irish
Prokles Boy Name Prokles Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Prokopios Boy Name Prokopios Meaning : In greek meaning is : Declared leader.

Used in : Australian, Greek
After checking the name list for Baby Boy Names that start with P and end with S, we hope you like our compilation of names. You can check more, if required.