Boy Names Starting with P and Ending With L

Expecting a new baby or new one have just arrived in your home!! With all love and prayers, many many congratulations on your new bundle of joy.

View our compilation of Boy Names starting with P and ending with L for your kid.

Baby Boy Names That Start with P and End With L (List 1)

Name M/F Meaning
PÃ¥l Boy Name PÃ¥l Meaning : In irish meaning is : Small, Humble, Witness

Used in : Danish
Pêkol Boy Name Pêkol Meaning :

Used in : Kurdish
Paal Boy Name Paal Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Paaval Boy Name Paaval Meaning : Little, Small

Used in : Finnish
Padampal Boy Name Padampal Meaning : Protector Of The Lotus.

Used in : Sikh
Padiril Boy Name Padiril Meaning : In tamil meaning is : Man without vices

Used in : Hindu, Tamil
Padmal Boy Name Padmal Meaning : Lord Brahama

Used in : Hindu, Kannada
Paeccel Boy Name Paeccel Meaning :

Used in : British, English
Paettel Boy Name Paettel Meaning :

Used in : British, English
Pagiel Boy Name Pagiel Meaning : Prevention, Or Prayer, Of God.

Used in : Biblical
Paguiel Boy Name Paguiel Meaning :

Used in : French
Pahal Boy Name Pahal Meaning : Facet, Beginning Initiative

Used in : Hindu, Hindu
Pahl Boy Name Pahl Meaning :

Used in : French
Pahul Boy Name Pahul Meaning : Initiatory Rite Of Sikhism.

Used in : Sikh, Australian
Pakal Boy Name Pakal Meaning :

Used in : French
Pal Boy Name Pal Meaning : In irish meaning is : Small, Humble, Witness

Used in : Hindu, German, Irish, Latin, Scandinavian, Hebrew
Palal Boy Name Palal Meaning : Thinking.

Used in : Biblical
Palanivel Boy Name Palanivel Meaning : Another Name For Lord Murugan

Used in : Hindu
Palathingal Boy Name Palathingal Meaning :

Used in : Hindu
Pall Boy Name Pall Meaning : Skin, Parchment.

Used in : British, Danish, English, Norwegian, Hebrew
Paltiel Boy Name Paltiel Meaning : Deliverance Or Banishment Of God.

Used in : Biblical, French
Palwinderpal Boy Name Palwinderpal Meaning : Protector Of Lord's Moments.

Used in : Sikh
Panchal Boy Name Panchal Meaning : Lord Shiva

Used in : Hindu
Pandil Boy Name Pandil Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Pannalal Boy Name Pannalal Meaning : Emerald

Used in : Hindu
Panshul Boy Name Panshul Meaning : Lord Shiva

Used in : Hindu
Panthal Boy Name Panthal Meaning :

Used in : Greek
Paol Boy Name Paol Meaning :

Used in : French
Paraayththuraiyannal Boy Name Paraayththuraiyannal Meaning :

Used in : Hindu
Paramkamal Boy Name Paramkamal Meaning : Supreme Lotus Flower.

Used in : Sikh
Paramnihal Boy Name Paramnihal Meaning : Having The Supreme Happiness.

Used in : Sikh
Paramnirmal Boy Name Paramnirmal Meaning : Purest One.

Used in : Sikh
Parampal Boy Name Parampal Meaning : Highest Success

Used in : Hindu, Punjabi, Punjabi
Paramseetal Boy Name Paramseetal Meaning : Most Peaceful And Happy.

Used in : Sikh
Parcifal Boy Name Parcifal Meaning :

Used in : Dutch, French, German
Parimal Boy Name Parimal Meaning : Fragrance

Used in : Hindu
Parimil Boy Name Parimil Meaning : Proven

Used in : Hindu
Parminderpal Boy Name Parminderpal Meaning : Preserver Of Supreme God.

Used in : Sikh
Parnal Boy Name Parnal Meaning :

Used in : Hindu, Hindu
Parnall Boy Name Parnall Meaning : Little Rock

Used in : American, British, English
Parnel Boy Name Parnel Meaning : Little Rock

Used in : American, British, English, French, Irish
Parnell Boy Name Parnell Meaning : Little Rock

Used in : American, English, British, English, French, Irish, British
Parrnell Boy Name Parrnell Meaning : Little Peter.

Used in : French, French
Parsafal Boy Name Parsafal Meaning : Pierce The Vale.

Used in : British, English
Parsefal Boy Name Parsefal Meaning : Valley Piercer

Used in : British, English, French, French, German
Parsifal Boy Name Parsifal Meaning : In french meaning is : Pierce the vale.

Used in : Australian, Arthurian - Legend, British, English, French, French, German
Parsival Boy Name Parsival Meaning :

Used in : German
Parthal Boy Name Parthal Meaning : Plowman

Used in : Irish
Partschfall Boy Name Partschfall Meaning :

Used in : German
Parul Boy Name Parul Meaning : Graceful, Name Of A Flower

Used in : Hindu, Sanskrit, Gujarati, Oriya
Parzifal Boy Name Parzifal Meaning :

Used in : Arthurian - Legend, German, Latin
Parzival Boy Name Parzival Meaning :

Used in : British, English, German
Pascal Boy Name Pascal Meaning : In french meaning is : Born on Easter

Used in : Australian, Chinese, French, Danish, Dutch, French, French, German, Italian, Latin, Netherlands, Swiss, Australian, Dutch
Pascal-marcel Boy Name Pascal-marcel Meaning :

Used in : German
Pascall Boy Name Pascall Meaning :

Used in : Netherlands
Paschal Boy Name Paschal Meaning : In french meaning is : Child of Easter.

Used in : Australian, French, French, Australian
Paschall Boy Name Paschall Meaning :

Used in : British, English
Pascoal Boy Name Pascoal Meaning : Child Of Easter

Used in : Portuguese
Pascual Boy Name Pascual Meaning : In french meaning is : Born on Easter

Used in : Australian, French, French, German, Italian, Latin, Spanish
Pashal Boy Name Pashal Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Paskal Boy Name Paskal Meaning :

Used in : Basque, French, French, German
Pasqual Boy Name Pasqual Meaning : In hebrew meaning is : Passover

Used in : Australian, French, French, German, Latin, Spanish
Pasquinel Boy Name Pasquinel Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Passel Boy Name Passel Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Patecatll Boy Name Patecatll Meaning :

Used in : Mexican
Patel Boy Name Patel Meaning :

Used in : Hindu
Patrick-daniel Boy Name Patrick-daniel Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Patrick-michael Boy Name Patrick-michael Meaning :

Used in : German
Patwal Boy Name Patwal Meaning :

Used in : Pashtun
Pauel Boy Name Pauel Meaning : In dutch meaning is : Little. Form of Paul

Used in : Australian, Danish, Dutch, German, Swedish
Paukl Boy Name Paukl Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Paul Boy Name Paul Meaning : Small

Used in : American, Anglo, Biblical, Hindu, Indonesian, Basque, French, Swedish, British, Czechoslovakian, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Irish, Jamaican, Latin, Netherlands, Portuguese, Romanian, Swedish, Swiss, American, Dutch
Paul-emil Boy Name Paul-emil Meaning :

Used in : German
Paul-karl Boy Name Paul-karl Meaning :

Used in : German
Paul-michael Boy Name Paul-michael Meaning :

Used in : Australian, German
Paul-mikhail Boy Name Paul-mikhail Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Paull Boy Name Paull Meaning : In portuguese meaning is : Small

Used in : Australian, Latin, Portuguese
Pauwel Boy Name Pauwel Meaning : In Polish meaning is : Small, Humble, Little

Used in : German, Polish
Pavel Boy Name Pavel Meaning : Little

Used in : Hindu, Punjabi, Czechoslovakian, Finnish, French, German, Latin, Russian, Slavic, Slovenian, Swedish, Punjabi
Pavil Boy Name Pavil Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Pavitpal Boy Name Pavitpal Meaning : Protector Of The Holy Person.

Used in : Sikh
Pavol Boy Name Pavol Meaning :

Used in : Czechoslovakian
Pawel Boy Name Pawel Meaning : In latin meaning is : Small

Used in : Australian, Danish, French, German, Latin, Polish, Swedish
Pawil Boy Name Pawil Meaning :

Used in : German
Pawl Boy Name Pawl Meaning : In Polish meaning is : Small, Humble, Little

Used in : Australian, Latin, Polish
Pawol Boy Name Pawol Meaning : Small

Used in : Polish
Payal Boy Name Payal Meaning : Foot Ornament

Used in : Hindu, Hindu, Sindhi, Malayalam, Assamese, Rajasthani, Gujarati, Oriya
Paynal Boy Name Paynal Meaning :

Used in : Mexican
Pearl Boy Name Pearl Meaning :

Used in : American, Australian, English, French, German, Greek, Jamaican, Latin, American, Australian, Chinese, Hebrew, British, Danish, Dutch
Pearyl Boy Name Pearyl Meaning :

Used in : British, English
Pedahel Boy Name Pedahel Meaning :

Used in : French
Pedro-manuel Boy Name Pedro-manuel Meaning :

Used in : German
Pedro-miguel Boy Name Pedro-miguel Meaning :

Used in : German
Pedrol Boy Name Pedrol Meaning :

Used in : Australian
Peirol Boy Name Peirol Meaning :

Used in : French
Pekosl Boy Name Pekosl Meaning :

Used in : Polish
Pell Boy Name Pell Meaning : Parchment

Used in : American, British, English
Pengel Boy Name Pengel Meaning :

Used in : German
Peniel Boy Name Peniel Meaning : Face Or Vision Of God, That Sees God.

Used in : Biblical
Penoel Boy Name Penoel Meaning :

Used in : Australian
After checking the name list for Baby Boy Names that start with P and end with L, we hope you like our compilation of names. You can check more, if required.