Boy Names Starting with P and Ending With Er (List 2)

Expecting a new baby or new one have just arrived in your home!! With all love and prayers, many many congratulations on your new bundle of joy.

View our compilation of Boy Names starting with P and ending with Er for your kid.

Baby Boy Names That Start with P and End With Er (List 2)

Name M/F Meaning
Prateer Boy Name Prateer Meaning :

Used in : Hindu
Praveer Boy Name Praveer Meaning : An Excellent Warrior, King

Used in : Hindu, Marathi
Praver Boy Name Praver Meaning :

Used in : Hindu, Kannada, Marathi
Pravinder Boy Name Pravinder Meaning :

Used in : Hindu
Preetmohinder Boy Name Preetmohinder Meaning : Lovely And Attractive Lord.

Used in : Sikh
Prithvinder Boy Name Prithvinder Meaning : Lord Of The Earth.

Used in : Sikh
Pritinder Boy Name Pritinder Meaning : Broad, Spacious

Used in : Hindu
Prockter Boy Name Prockter Meaning : Official Administrator.

Used in : Latin
Procter Boy Name Procter Meaning : Official Administrator.

Used in : Latin
Prosper Boy Name Prosper Meaning : In finnish meaning is : Fortunate

Used in : Australian, Danish, Finnish, French, German, Latin
Puneetinder Boy Name Puneetinder Meaning : Sacred Lord.

Used in : Sikh
Pupinder Boy Name Pupinder Meaning : Lord's Love.

Used in : Sikh
Pushninder Boy Name Pushninder Meaning : Lord's Flowers.

Used in : Sikh
Pushpinder Boy Name Pushpinder Meaning :

Used in : Hindu
Pyer Boy Name Pyer Meaning :

Used in : Australian
After checking the name list for Baby Boy Names that start with P and end with Er, we hope you like our compilation of names. You can check more, if required.